Lots going on as we near the end of the year. I have been a busy little bee
Circus Gothica performed at the launch for a new alcohol brand called Jimmi Jagga. We had loads of fun and literally stopped traffic while we danced in the middle of the street!! Check out the review vid...
Jimmi Jagga Launch
Check out the creepy stalker in the background...
Hadess, Kohana and I also did some Gogo dancing for a friend of mines band which was good fun
Ive been having regular tattoo sessions with my new favourite tattoo artist Danny from Voodoo Ink in Pretoria. Its finally starting to come together. Got another session on the 16th Dec. Hoping I can finish this part and move on next year with something new!! I feel like Ive been getting the same tattoo forever lol.
Speaking of art one of my favourite SGs sent me some fan art
The gorgeous Hadess appears to have many hidden talents that I knew nothing about! Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, a great dancer and able to kick the ass of any guy out there she can also draw! Lots of cupcakes and love for you!!
I am pleased to say that I got featured on the Suicide Girls Group Therapy Blog, with a group that I think NEEDS more attention!
Zombie Hunters
Yes girls and boys, awareness saves lives! Pop into this group and check it out. Everyone needs a Zombie Apocalypse Plan! Thats right you can thank me later.
My Zombie Apocalypse Plans name is Xaosnyte
I dedicate this Blog post to him! He kicks so much ass.
Off to see Jimmy Carr on Saturday! So fucking excited!!!!!
Anyways Ive typed enough for now, so here are a bunch of random pics from the last month or so

Circus Gothica performed at the launch for a new alcohol brand called Jimmi Jagga. We had loads of fun and literally stopped traffic while we danced in the middle of the street!! Check out the review vid...
Jimmi Jagga Launch

Check out the creepy stalker in the background...

Hadess, Kohana and I also did some Gogo dancing for a friend of mines band which was good fun

Ive been having regular tattoo sessions with my new favourite tattoo artist Danny from Voodoo Ink in Pretoria. Its finally starting to come together. Got another session on the 16th Dec. Hoping I can finish this part and move on next year with something new!! I feel like Ive been getting the same tattoo forever lol.

Speaking of art one of my favourite SGs sent me some fan art

The gorgeous Hadess appears to have many hidden talents that I knew nothing about! Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, a great dancer and able to kick the ass of any guy out there she can also draw! Lots of cupcakes and love for you!!

I am pleased to say that I got featured on the Suicide Girls Group Therapy Blog, with a group that I think NEEDS more attention!
Zombie Hunters
Yes girls and boys, awareness saves lives! Pop into this group and check it out. Everyone needs a Zombie Apocalypse Plan! Thats right you can thank me later.
My Zombie Apocalypse Plans name is Xaosnyte

I dedicate this Blog post to him! He kicks so much ass.
Off to see Jimmy Carr on Saturday! So fucking excited!!!!!

Anyways Ive typed enough for now, so here are a bunch of random pics from the last month or so
And finally I will leave you with this
The second installment in my trilogy, Wandering Star will be coming out on Friday 13th Jan.
Im excited. This is one of my fav sets!!
If you want to find me on Facebook I am here
And if you want to follow me on Instagram just look for tarionbunny
Just dropping a note to say I MIIIIISSSS YOOOUUUU!!!!!!! That is all
I didn't need the extra incentive, I'm there! Psyched to see all you ladies again and party the new year in