I've been playin with my new camera, and I just uploaded a bunch of new photos to my albums. I actuall even started a new one, just for the fun of it. Here are some of my favorites:
Me being stupid

The Essex/Charlotte ferry at night

Attack of the Myspace pic

My kitten, Maxum, again

My grandparents and stepfather are downstairs, and I am currently hiding from them up here on SG. The worst part is having to keep my sleeves pulled down, because they will freak the fuck out if they see my tattoos. At least the really cold weather gives me an excuse for not showing any skin.
Speaking of which, I really want more. I would love to extend my 1/2 sleeve to a full, and find someone who can cover my left wrist with something cool. Now, all I need is a job and a new car, and it's game over for my arms.
I need to finish this one

I like the "TRUST", but I kinda regret the "NO ONE", mainly because I really would just like to forget why I got that part done

I still don't have a job. Someone please shoot me. Thank you SG for being here for me, otherwise I would be completely nuts by now.
My brother didn't buy his plane ticket for Thanksgiving. Looks like I won't be seeing him for a while.
I'm worried about him, he's been having a lot of problems lately. The courts are being complete dickheads to him, his girlfriend is getting moodier the further the pregnancy goes, and he can't legally drive. So he's stuck, broke, and dealing with a crazy woman. Wow, that sounds almost exactly like me...
I'm hooked on smileys today
. I don't know why.
To finish things off, here's Maxum, pissed at the world:

Me being stupid

The Essex/Charlotte ferry at night

Attack of the Myspace pic

My kitten, Maxum, again

My grandparents and stepfather are downstairs, and I am currently hiding from them up here on SG. The worst part is having to keep my sleeves pulled down, because they will freak the fuck out if they see my tattoos. At least the really cold weather gives me an excuse for not showing any skin.

I need to finish this one

I like the "TRUST", but I kinda regret the "NO ONE", mainly because I really would just like to forget why I got that part done

I still don't have a job. Someone please shoot me. Thank you SG for being here for me, otherwise I would be completely nuts by now.

My brother didn't buy his plane ticket for Thanksgiving. Looks like I won't be seeing him for a while.

I'm hooked on smileys today

To finish things off, here's Maxum, pissed at the world:

i was supposed to go to albany with her to get my cousin, and go to a wig shop with them. sounds fun, but not that early. so i slept 'til noon which is a first... my body is so used to getting up for school now
what are you up to today?
i need a certain number of men's haircuts for class lol if you can wait a week, i'll hook you up.