Hi girlyz and boyz
i hope your doing well! I have to write down some update before going to bed, cos my head is full. (i'm so smeepy but i have to.. you know, hamster running in your head?)
so, first update.
Life is going so nice right now. I experiment what is love. Really. Tonight, i had my first threesome. My husband and Mike was with me tonight, We had watch the movie Children of men. Which is a pretty awesome movie i did saw 3 times. It was so comfy being cuddle by two pretty men. Huggin each other. Then, we were talking and playing like kids and the connection between us was marvelous. And so hugging each other, kissing, caressing.. we end up in the bed and we had sex... no, i must say love. We were loving each other. Amazing. My husband told me that a lot of person says that the first time wasnt cool or nice. Well i must say it was good for us. When you are doing this on the purpose of love, how can it be not good? Sharing love is amazing.
Second update
I'm enjoying more and more my open relationship these days. Learning a lot of stuff in the pretty book of The Ethical Slut. Or at least, I revise what i know and its good too!
So here some quotes:
take the time and effort to be as clear and thorough in your explanation as you can, and be sure to include information about the emotions you're feeling as well as the facts involved.
emotional honesty
We have all been afraid to ask (reassurance), we have all failed to ask, we have all been irked with our lovers when they didn't read our minds and offer us the reassurance we crave, we have all thought ''i shouldn't have to ask'' Let's remember to honor the courage it takes to ask for support, to share vulnerable feelings. Let's pat ourselves on the back when we do the things that scare us, and then let's do them some more
''A lot of people describe having sex with only one person as 'being faithful'. It seems to me that faithfulness has very little to do with who you have sex with.'' Faithfulness is about honoring your commitments and respecting your friends and lovers, about caring for their well-being as well as your own.
limiting setting
To be a happy slut, you need to know how-and when-to say no. Having a clear sense of your own limits, and respecting those limits, can keep you feeling good about yourself and help prevent those morning-after blues.
When you respect your own limits, others will learn to respect them too.
knowing yourself
This hard work is well worth it because it is the way you become free to choose how you want to live and love, own you life and become truly the author of your experience
owning your feelings
No ones ''makes'' you feel jealous or insecure-the person who makes you feel that way is you. No matter what the other person is doing, what you feel in response is determined inside you. Even when somebody deliberately tries to hurt you, you make a choice about how you feel.
going easy on yourself
As Morticia Adams says: ''don't beat yourself up Gomez, thats my job''. Knowing, loving and respecting yourself is an absolute prerequisite to knowing, loving and respecting someone else. Cut yourself some slack.
A friend of ours, when she trips over some surprisingly intense emotionnal response, says, philosophically: ''oh well, AFOG'' which stands, she says, for Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth. Learning from one's mistake isn't fun, but it's better than not learning at all.
telling the truth
When you tell the truth, you discover how much you have in common with people you care about. Honesty puts you all in an excellent position to support yourselves and each other in a life vased on understanding and loving acceptance.
Polyamory rock!
so everybody, i hope you had a good day! or will have one!
i love you all!
Keep sharing love, kisses and hugs with everybody you want!
Tea, stars and kisses

i hope your doing well! I have to write down some update before going to bed, cos my head is full. (i'm so smeepy but i have to.. you know, hamster running in your head?)
so, first update.
Life is going so nice right now. I experiment what is love. Really. Tonight, i had my first threesome. My husband and Mike was with me tonight, We had watch the movie Children of men. Which is a pretty awesome movie i did saw 3 times. It was so comfy being cuddle by two pretty men. Huggin each other. Then, we were talking and playing like kids and the connection between us was marvelous. And so hugging each other, kissing, caressing.. we end up in the bed and we had sex... no, i must say love. We were loving each other. Amazing. My husband told me that a lot of person says that the first time wasnt cool or nice. Well i must say it was good for us. When you are doing this on the purpose of love, how can it be not good? Sharing love is amazing.

Second update
I'm enjoying more and more my open relationship these days. Learning a lot of stuff in the pretty book of The Ethical Slut. Or at least, I revise what i know and its good too!
So here some quotes:
take the time and effort to be as clear and thorough in your explanation as you can, and be sure to include information about the emotions you're feeling as well as the facts involved.
emotional honesty
We have all been afraid to ask (reassurance), we have all failed to ask, we have all been irked with our lovers when they didn't read our minds and offer us the reassurance we crave, we have all thought ''i shouldn't have to ask'' Let's remember to honor the courage it takes to ask for support, to share vulnerable feelings. Let's pat ourselves on the back when we do the things that scare us, and then let's do them some more
''A lot of people describe having sex with only one person as 'being faithful'. It seems to me that faithfulness has very little to do with who you have sex with.'' Faithfulness is about honoring your commitments and respecting your friends and lovers, about caring for their well-being as well as your own.
limiting setting
To be a happy slut, you need to know how-and when-to say no. Having a clear sense of your own limits, and respecting those limits, can keep you feeling good about yourself and help prevent those morning-after blues.
When you respect your own limits, others will learn to respect them too.
knowing yourself
This hard work is well worth it because it is the way you become free to choose how you want to live and love, own you life and become truly the author of your experience
owning your feelings
No ones ''makes'' you feel jealous or insecure-the person who makes you feel that way is you. No matter what the other person is doing, what you feel in response is determined inside you. Even when somebody deliberately tries to hurt you, you make a choice about how you feel.
going easy on yourself
As Morticia Adams says: ''don't beat yourself up Gomez, thats my job''. Knowing, loving and respecting yourself is an absolute prerequisite to knowing, loving and respecting someone else. Cut yourself some slack.
A friend of ours, when she trips over some surprisingly intense emotionnal response, says, philosophically: ''oh well, AFOG'' which stands, she says, for Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth. Learning from one's mistake isn't fun, but it's better than not learning at all.
telling the truth
When you tell the truth, you discover how much you have in common with people you care about. Honesty puts you all in an excellent position to support yourselves and each other in a life vased on understanding and loving acceptance.
Polyamory rock!

so everybody, i hope you had a good day! or will have one!
i love you all!
Keep sharing love, kisses and hugs with everybody you want!
Tea, stars and kisses

hey lady, thanks for ur nice comment on De witte Non and for your friendship..have a nice weekend!
