lazy as hell today...drank too much this weekend and didn't get nearly enough sleep..oh well, yay for only a 3 day work week this week!
I made this raspberry, cream cheese, and chocolate layered pie, and oh lordy it's good! I am definitly making another one for thanksgiving
sometimes, i don't know if I'm me..or just what I'm supposed to be. I'm sucha fucking follower. I do what's expected...untill I can't stand it. and then I end up doing something drastic. it's discouraging.
Without followers, there are no leaders.
Without followers, there are no leaders.
I seriously wanna punch the woman from the utility department that I just spoke with. She could of at least pretended to be nice! I was told (last month) that they could work with me to get caught up. apparently I was misinformed...sigh..205.00 by noon 2maro! omg..they are going to have to accept my 165.00 pymt...cuz you can't get blood from a turnip.
Thanks for the comment oxox
you're seriously gorgeous..I adore your pictures :-x
So...I'm thinkin' martini's, at home with my hubby, in a nice warm house tonight. Curse you chilly rainy grey day!
This has been the mildest fall here in Nebraska...I'm loving it! Unfortunately it won't last forever..I love my four seasons...but I just wish winter could be a little shorter than the rest. I don't fair well in cold tempts.
So...I'm slightly drunk listening to PED on headphones cuz my hubby is watchin' the game..actually every person in Nebraska is watching the game..I'm not a football person .. I'm not watching it but I do hope they win. I am a MMA fan..Cerrone vs. Henderson Saturday! That's gonna be something to see! That...I will be watching
My preteen fiction story - The Adventures of Blue - is finally on the market. I decided to self publish because I was too insecure and impatient to try to get it picked up by someone. It's available at right now, and will be available at and other online stores in about 30 days... The best part about it was I got the...
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Happy belated birthday and congrats on your book.