The sunshine is amazing today! It's a new day and I'm glad for that. Yesterday..not so good, but that's the nice thing about life, it keeps on moving along and new days and new mindsets are always right around the corner. I'm thankful for that. I'm generally a pretty easy going person, and I don't hold to things. If I'm upset or mad I don't stay that way long. I guess I'm one of those people that feels emotions really intensly when I feel them - love, happiness, heartache..ect. but they can come and go in the blink of an eye. ............. I don't know, I kind of like that about myself, whether it's a good thing, or a bad thing, I'm not sure...but it's who I am...and I like me

Thank you for the hugs, the love and all these sweet words. People like you and all the other members and friends make me wanna stay for long; and I will. You all are so precious. It's a real community here... i knew it but today i really reralized it. Thank you 

no problem..when I was first on here I didn't talk much, and then didn't have internet for a while, and then got absorbed in facebook... but I soon realized, that people put on their grocery store face on there for the most part, and it isn't even who they really are half the time. I like sg...cuz i can just be myself and not feel paranoid about it. I feel terrible about what happened to you, but that's a risk that people take online i guess (I realized that today). Don't let one stupid messed up individual ruin anything for's their loss for lying..not yours.