Nebraska's wind is one wicked force of nature. It blows through with unmatchable force, especially on the flat plains in these parts of the state. There's nothing to block it, so it just goes. It reminds me of an ocean wave just rolling along on an open ocean, only it's air rolling along on an open landscape, with nothing but small towns acting like speed...
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yea, its intense. All I want to do is eat!!!
sooo, I'm thinking of making some minor life changes. Little bit more quality family time. Little more effort on actually finishing some of the projects I've started. Lil less beer I always end up life reflecting and getting bored with myself right about this time of year (due to the lack of being outdoors) to catch it in it's tracks instead of getting caught...
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Feeling pretty dang happy on this fine sunday morn
Life is good! Now.....who wants to come clean my house? haha....looks like a tornado came through this place!

I need help as well. lol
I clean houses for a living, so sometimes I tend to neglect my own. Especially on the weekends lol!
The sunshine is amazing today! It's a new day and I'm glad for that. Yesterday..not so good, but that's the nice thing about life, it keeps on moving along and new days and new mindsets are always right around the corner. I'm thankful for that. I'm generally a pretty easy going person, and I don't hold to things. If I'm upset or mad I don't...
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Thank you for the hugs, the love and all these sweet words. People like you and all the other members and friends make me wanna stay for long; and I will. You all are so precious. It's a real community here... i knew it but today i really reralized it. Thank you 

no problem..when I was first on here I didn't talk much, and then didn't have internet for a while, and then got absorbed in facebook... but I soon realized, that people put on their grocery store face on there for the most part, and it isn't even who they really are half the time. I like sg...cuz i can just be myself and not feel paranoid about it. I feel terrible about what happened to you, but that's a risk that people take online i guess (I realized that today). Don't let one stupid messed up individual ruin anything for's their loss for lying..not yours.
How does something that wasn't a big deal, turn into such a fucking big deal! Ok, so a friend of mine and I hung out later than necessary with a couple guys, one of which I've known for a long time, and yes he's a cutie, but no nothing happened...some hair dying went on, and some drinking, and maybe some flirting..but no one was getting...
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dont hate yourself.... honesty was / is the best way to go.... i know my wife struggles with a lot of my female friends but the basis of every relationship has to be trust.... my belief no harm no foul.... dont allow the insecurities of others change who or what you are
thanks for the kind words...I really needed to hear that right now.
Well, we got a tiny bit of snow today...I guess that means the long season of winter is here...springtime, I will be dreaming about you until your sweet, warm arrival

So, last night started out depressing...and then took a crazy fun turn after my friend stopped over with some booze. I woke up this morning thinking "oh my fucking god what happened last night!" is funny sometimes

I hate it when my life is so full of confusion....and i'm always to blame for when i can maybe pass that blame along i don't have to feel so horrible that i don't fit where i should..yeah..I'm all about it

I hate it that I'm so chuck full of ideas and missions, and imagination, and the pursuance to really know people, and steal pieces of them ... but I'm confined to this existence where I have to put on a face, and do what I'm supposed to or people are upset. I don't know how to explain it, i don't know how to deal with...
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Getting ready to go on a 3 in a half hour drive to see family...I like long drives...they're nice
I'd rather it be in day light so I can see the scenery, but oh well. Nebraska's a pretty place to drive all seasons..or I think so anyways
Happy Thanksgiving!