My bestfriends front tooth had to be taken out from never getting it capped after a root canal...he didn't like that story so we decided to tell everyone I beat him with a bible till his tooth fell out (the bible was just the first thing I saw at the Halloween store lol). I don't know how anyone can take me seriously but it's always...
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"I promise to learn to love the way I've learned to fear
To unknot all the inhibitions tangled in my hair
To let my ego mound in piles around the barber chair
And make a graceful exit from my vexed troubled years
I've decided I've been invited to my own resort
Where knights can leave their armor neatly piled by the door
And every woman,...
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To unknot all the inhibitions tangled in my hair
To let my ego mound in piles around the barber chair
And make a graceful exit from my vexed troubled years
I've decided I've been invited to my own resort
Where knights can leave their armor neatly piled by the door
And every woman,...
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let me know if you ever need anything <3

thanks love!
Hello lovelys.
It's been awhile and for as much as I would love to keep everyone updated with everything, it just might be impossible. See I have a tendency in planning against plans. To just run off and do something last minute so nothing ever gets stuck on repeat. In fact the only thing stuck on repeat recently that I keep hearing is something along...
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It's been awhile and for as much as I would love to keep everyone updated with everything, it just might be impossible. See I have a tendency in planning against plans. To just run off and do something last minute so nothing ever gets stuck on repeat. In fact the only thing stuck on repeat recently that I keep hearing is something along...
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Great pics!
Cosmic bowling looks like a lot of fun!

I am mind fucked.
I just found out the past 3 years my ex was lying to me about something that is worse then the truth.
In fact the truth is nothing happen and he made up a story which made me lose A LOT of respect for him.
Who the fuck lies about something worse than the truth when they are trying to get...
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I just found out the past 3 years my ex was lying to me about something that is worse then the truth.
In fact the truth is nothing happen and he made up a story which made me lose A LOT of respect for him.
Who the fuck lies about something worse than the truth when they are trying to get...
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You reminded me of a quote I read once from Thomas Jefferson. I tracked it down:
"He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions."
I know men can seem a mystery to women and vice-versa, but there is no gender excuse for lying to someone you claim to love. That kind of makes the claim of love another lie, wouldn't you think?
"He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions."
I know men can seem a mystery to women and vice-versa, but there is no gender excuse for lying to someone you claim to love. That kind of makes the claim of love another lie, wouldn't you think?
Definitely a mind screw...sorry to hear.
I have seen a million faces and traveled through places inside and out to only find a common component of dirt (that is nothing compared to its age) and heart (which is older than its birth). Its a constant battle of rights and wrongs and who the fuck defies it while we saunter around the grey areas. Its almost funny to see how this battle...
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Thank you love! I think I dyed my hair pretty much every color since I been gone off SG haha
Hahaha that's pretty awesome. How many colors do you think you went through?
dazzlingly beautiful!
Ohh wow so I'm back to SG!
It's been years but some lovely sweetheart paid for my account to be redeemed.
I am so happy! Now I have t go find all my old friends and what not from my old account since I couldn't remember the password I had. Thank you so much, I would love to know who did this for me. Anyway...
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It's been years but some lovely sweetheart paid for my account to be redeemed.
I am so happy! Now I have t go find all my old friends and what not from my old account since I couldn't remember the password I had. Thank you so much, I would love to know who did this for me. Anyway...
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Holy cow, you're back! Haven't spoken to you in forever.
you looked haawt is a redhead
<3 <3 <3