Yah So, I was walking down the street and He wouldn't stop following me... Then I stoped and fuckn just sat down... I mean, sat down right in the middle of the sidewalk. He sat down right next to me.. He had the Fuckn nerve to sit is bald ass right next to me.............

If you like being in the online adult industry and want to stay there, I imagine you could do much better if you have some computer knowledge and are not reliant on other people. Women who can do their own sites, or do programming work for someone else's siteand not just modeling, or have their bf do the web stuff at the very least; seem to do much better t han people who can't. You end up giving a lot of the profits to people who are just doing basic bussiness and computer work.
That being said, I'm not sure if I would stay in that industry. I mean, you could probably make better money at other jobs that would look better on a resume.
Gl whatever you decide to do,