Today I plan to complete* my friend's Halloween costume. (pics likely to follow tomorrow). The skirt came out amazing, the top will likely need minor sizing alterations but as I don't have bust for shaping the mail onto that was expected... wish me luck!


Well, seriously considering getting a Phoenix Tattoo to commemorate the previous TERRIBLE weekend a few weeks ago... Last weekend was pretty awesome. Fun and friends for my B-day in Orlando! ALWAYS good times! And a drunken attorney says he wants to buy me an office to start my own practice in... I'll email him in a minute and see where that goes... It would REALLY...
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Last week my bosses decided that they would like to pay some fresh-out-of-school doc to replace me because they can pay them a much lower salary... This was followed by drinking myself into a black out at the karaoke bar with my friend Becca... who for some reason is now avoiding me. She's previously been the only shred of enjoyment in my life lately... and...
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AND IT'S OCTOBER!!! I'm SUPER excited this weekend I'm helping a friend to a Tank Girl Shoot and we might actually get to "borrow" a real tank and crush some stuff out in the woods!!! She's SOOO effin hawt and I can not WAIT to have fun blowing stuff up and shooting some awesome pics (hopefully)... There's a chance our "tank" hookup will flake out...
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This past weekend was a blast. Had a bunch of good friends over to grill out and play Cards Against Humanity (awesome game...). Grilled chicken and bacon wrapped steaks with asparagus and broccoli. Made loaded mashed and drank just a tiny bit.... Hope you all had a wonderful time too! Happy Monday SG land! smile
that looks awesome
Thanks smile
Cooked AMAZING chile lime an cilantro grilled chicken last night! Garnished with cheesy garlic mashed tatters, organic artichokes, and broccoli! Om NOM NOMs! getting ready to go to an artists' networking party and show off some of my stuff... then Tattoo appointment after work tomorrow! SO EXCITED!
&$($(&#^*!&@&#&!!!!! Totally left my laptop charger at home... so no fun times at work today... boo. Monday I go in to get my tattoo finished! I hope you lovely people have a grand weekend!
made the most AMAZING Ribs tonight for a bunch of my friends... Garlic Mashed cheesy potatoes.... Fresh organic Whole steamed Artichokes... so much win.
Love seeing SG girls out on the town randomly at the same bar as me but I feel weird just approaching you lovely ladies. Ya it's entirely possible I'm just shy....
And she spanked my ass durring the wobble so.. ice broken hahaha
thanks for the kind words. you are truly a generous soul, I sure hope that woman was appreciative!