Wow... Friday the 26th... was officially the best day of my year. I spent the morning at school with zero stress. No tests, nothing to study, no worries. Immediately after school I went to Jimmie Johns for a tuna sammich. Then went and picked up "the girl". You know the one... We went to Universal Orlando, she had never been before but always wanted to. The ride over we talked easily. I somehow avoided my usual boring banter and somehow kept her involved in the conversation, we talked about our childhoods and things we liked to do with our spare time. She claims to be the type who is never anywhere on time, almost always late. Myself being always early I made the comment that we make a pretty great pair then. We got to the park gates 32 seconds early... perfect timing. I led her through the crowd towards The HULK... best coaster in Orlando. She's never been to Islands of Adventure before and was quite a bit nervous of the coaster I've been talking up. I set her up a little... told her how the most frightening part of roller coasters for my mother is the part where it clicks up the ramp before the first fall, as the tension builds and the fear climbs with you. I laid it on pretty thick... For those who have never ridden the Hulk... it doesn't have that part... it starts clicking up then LAUNCHES you through the exit tube and immediately down the slope... she screamed SO loud. After the ride she thanked me for not telling her about the beginning of the ride, said the way I talked it up made it that much better. heh. and here I thought I wasn't all that great a story teller. From Hulk we went to the Spiderman ride, which I told her was a much more mild ride but was still awesome... and is 3D. She got really excited about it, though in the line came our only quiet moment. It didn't last very long though, we chatted through that line too. She really enjoyed the ride, after which we went to Storm's accelerometron or whatever it's called. She again said she'd always wanted to ride one of those spinning cup rides and never had the chance, "well today that changes" I told her. It was the best time I have EVER had on one of those. Ever since I can remember those rides have been a favorite of mine, my dad used to spin them as fast as possible when I was a little boy. The two of us found it impossible to stop smiling that ride, giggled and shouted the whole time. It was easily the happiest I've been in over a year. Halloween horror nights was awesome after that, We went through a few haunted houses, drank about 3 beers each per line... did jello shooters between rides, jaeger bombs randomly. WE GOT DRUNK!!! we rode Jaws like she's always wanted and the Mummy, which she loved so we rode 2 more times
met some friends at the Bill and Ted show and hung out with friends afterwards for a few minutes. Then she said she was ready to leave, starting to get tired. We hurried through the park to beat the traffic leaving. She grabbed my hand and I swear I melted right there. We dodged in and out of people as we went to the park exit holding hands the whole way, I had offered earlier to drive us home but she seemed determined to drive so I let her. She drives VERY well while drunk. We talked the whole way home about how awesome the night was and how we had to go again sometime. by far.. the best day I've had in a LOOOONG time.

damn what a wordy loser today....