Karaoke last night was fun tho lonely. I hate flyin solo there sometimes. On the bright side some random people challenged me to a game of pool so I had somethin to do all night while they tried to take the table back from me
(and succeeded once or twice). Susan (a regular to the bar who usually sings REALLY oldies) asked me to sing "runaround sue" for her, which went over very well. Bout half the bar came up an danced it felt really awesome. So I decided to stick to "dance-worthy" stuff instead of the slow an drab that fit my mood when I came in. Sang Carlos Santana and Rob Thomas, and the croud goes wild again. Love when they do that, croud the stage an sing and dance like it's a rock concert an stuff. It's always fun to dream heh, now I gotta go work on some more anatomy homework and patient examination stuff. Then work. sleep. and tests on monday yay...