So I mislabeled the last Rye, that was Rye #5, this is actually Rye#6, from Basil Hayden's. While I wanted to try their regular Rye, all they had was this Dark Rye and the same Bourbon I accidently bought several months back. This is a blend of Kentucky Rye and Canadian Rye with a little port added as well. From the first taste, I can...
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This one was a bit more expensive ($70US) then the others I have tried so far, I have only had a sip so far and while it is good, I would rank it slightly above the Pendelton and lower than the Crater Lake and Rogue that I've "tested" previously. Worth another $30 a bottle? Not yet. Maybe it will grow on me a little more....
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Great movie, poked a lot of holes in the things that have bugged me about Star Wars for years. I am a long time fan of the movies (the original three at least) and Rian's take on the franchise was a breath of fresh air.
While a lot take issue with JJ's The Force Awakens, it set up a lot of the blocks that Rian...
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Was a whole lotta fun. Can't wait to see it again. Taika Waititi brought a lot of playful fun to the Marvel series and is the breath of fresh air the MCU needed.
I've been slacking on guitar practice, slacking on the Rye Olympics.
So finally picked up the guitar again last night, picked up another bottle of Rye to try last week. The label says it is the good stuff, but it isn't THAT good.
I meant to Rye, but I accidently Bourboned instead.
The Little Woody was this weekend here in Bend, turnout today was the lowest I've seen in the last 4 years since I moved here. About 20+ Breweries were represented, from local breweries like Silver Moon and Boneyard, to ones from Seattle, Idaho and so on. For the third year straight, the best beer I had was from Fremont Brewery in Seattle. B Bomb was...
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So every few months I try a new Rye, lots of good ones here in Oregon. So far my favorite has been from Crater Lake distillery here in Bend, NE Oregon's Pendelton had a really nice bottle, but lost on drinkability. Today I picked up one thas has been on my radar for months. Rogue Spirits (part of Rogue Brewery born in Ashland, OR) has...
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Instead of the fucking Bonnie Tyler song...
Well, here in Bend, OR the eclipse is waning. We had around 99% of totality here in Bend with 100% just about 40 miles to the north. Due to late notification that I had the day off (and trusting my uncle to do the planning, big mistake) I ended up watching it from home. This was the best eclipse I have seen in person in...
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