Oh I'm leaving on a jet plane...
'bout to head to the airport to head on back to PDX. I love PDX, but this trip home was somewhat needed (I don't sleep up there ...
How was everyone's Father's Day? I know it is rough on some of us, those of the us who make up dadless variety, for whatever reason, but I truly hope everyone was able to have a good wekeend, nonetheless. My own was filled with a totally unexpected roller coaster of emotion. Lots to process, lots to process.
I believe I'm going to start keeping one of these "pen" and "paper" journals. I'm not sure what those are either "pen" or "paper" ... I think I'm going to the local antique store to see if they've heard of them.
Time what's for no one, and neither does lunch. I'm out!
My dumbass self missed my flight ... *le sigh* ... bright an early in the morning now.
'bout to head to the airport to head on back to PDX. I love PDX, but this trip home was somewhat needed (I don't sleep up there ...

How was everyone's Father's Day? I know it is rough on some of us, those of the us who make up dadless variety, for whatever reason, but I truly hope everyone was able to have a good wekeend, nonetheless. My own was filled with a totally unexpected roller coaster of emotion. Lots to process, lots to process.
I believe I'm going to start keeping one of these "pen" and "paper" journals. I'm not sure what those are either "pen" or "paper" ... I think I'm going to the local antique store to see if they've heard of them.

Time what's for no one, and neither does lunch. I'm out!
My dumbass self missed my flight ... *le sigh* ... bright an early in the morning now.
Dude, I think Heather keeps a neutron star or something hidden behind the bar at the DP. The gravity there is just immense. It's practically impossible to reach escape velocity.
I finally made it out about an hour after you left. You missed an all-Sisters of Mercy set from Scylla!

oops, i gave him a 6 pack and sent him on his way last night..sorry