The date (or whatever you call dinner and a movie between friends) went rather well. "Bowling for Columbine" amazed and astounded me, and, at points, nearly brought me to the brink of tears. Still, it's nice to know that you can live without fear.
Ashley asked me if I believe in predestination. I told her that I believe in synchronicity -- things happen for a reason. I like to think of meaningful coincidences as the Universe nodding its head and saying "hey" every once and a while. It makes me happy to think that the Universe can take a little time out of its busy schedule to at least acknowledge my existence.
That is all, for now.
Ashley asked me if I believe in predestination. I told her that I believe in synchronicity -- things happen for a reason. I like to think of meaningful coincidences as the Universe nodding its head and saying "hey" every once and a while. It makes me happy to think that the Universe can take a little time out of its busy schedule to at least acknowledge my existence.
That is all, for now.
I draw the line at certain Russian writers, however.