Well the dust has cleared from the flurry of welcome messages and friendings and testimonials and such. And I have to say that BrightRedScream has a lot of great people on her list. Thanks for making me feel welcome. And, uh, don't feel you have to use up all the love on the first day. Feel free to spread it around.
Despite the hoops I've been jumping through this past month plus to get my way onto SG, the timing was actually super. I just polished off a major project today that was seriously threatening to suck the joy out of my business. Deadline stress and all that rot. Too much 1am programming. Client thinking she's Nostradamus with her prophesizing the apocalypse as we will surely miss our drop dead date. Oh but today we launched right on time, and she's all sunshine and puppy dogs.
On the neverending road to self-improvement, I try to cleanse myself of toxic behaviours. This week I take aim at smugness. It's nice to be right, and it's nice for people to recognize that, but maybe I just shouldn't force my greatness on them.
Suffice to say, though, this time last week, I couldn't have offered myself to the SG masses like I can now. That = blessing + curse.
I keep staring at the smilies down below this entry box, and for some reason, my current favourite is the one that I can't really imagine a use for: the luchadore emoticon. Nonetheless, my little lucha is 15 by 15 pixels of awesomeness.
If the above jibberish doesn't scream "6 is tired", I don't know what does.

Despite the hoops I've been jumping through this past month plus to get my way onto SG, the timing was actually super. I just polished off a major project today that was seriously threatening to suck the joy out of my business. Deadline stress and all that rot. Too much 1am programming. Client thinking she's Nostradamus with her prophesizing the apocalypse as we will surely miss our drop dead date. Oh but today we launched right on time, and she's all sunshine and puppy dogs.
On the neverending road to self-improvement, I try to cleanse myself of toxic behaviours. This week I take aim at smugness. It's nice to be right, and it's nice for people to recognize that, but maybe I just shouldn't force my greatness on them.
Suffice to say, though, this time last week, I couldn't have offered myself to the SG masses like I can now. That = blessing + curse.
I keep staring at the smilies down below this entry box, and for some reason, my current favourite is the one that I can't really imagine a use for: the luchadore emoticon. Nonetheless, my little lucha is 15 by 15 pixels of awesomeness.

If the above jibberish doesn't scream "6 is tired", I don't know what does.
Welcome to SG Mr. BRS.
Don't know if you remember me. We hung out at last year's gala.
Don't worry, if you can't remember me, you'll be reminded as I cling to BRS at this year's gala again.
See you there!
You should sign-up for the gala under your own name now, and then you and BRS can bring guests.
Make sure they're single women who like older guys, okay?