such a dork am I. so, the last important thing I wanted to make my PVR machine do, has been done. I now have a computer sitting under the TV, which will record TV shows for me, a la Tivo. it plays my copious mp3 collection (with fullscreen visualizations). it plays my collections of music videos, movies, tv show episodes, etc in various electronic formats....
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boy I sure do love it when I buy things and they don't work.

so I go out this afternoon to buy the parts to build a PVR machine. everything went fairly well, until I got home and started putting things together.

1) the motherboard I bought supports duron processors up to 1.2ghz. they sold me a 1.3.

2) the video card I bought will...
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if things were simple wed have no reason to complain...and things would get boring. dont you think?
well, of course. complaining is a full-fledged hobby for some people, myself included.
today at work, our former adminstrative assistant came to visit. great! wonderful! it was awesome to see her again!

downside: she brought her 2.5 year old with her.

for an hour and a half, as I tried to work, I was assaulted by the frequent screams of a toddler. this kid has some serious lung capacity. after a minute or two of it, I...
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hey you still post/login.

good to know. should move to ohio, because its uh....

well, we have sgohio so HA.
ugh. people today just plain pissed me off. I might have to post a gfd about it... after I've relaxed a bit, that is.
picked up some redrum tonight at the liquor store. interesting note: when I opened the bottle and sniffed the opening, my first thought was 'NyQuil'. hopefully it doesn't _taste_ like NyQuil. oh well, if it does, I've got midori and vodka to back me up.
happy frigging holidays.

I got a notice from the phone company today. enclosed was a little 'holiday greeting.' after glancing at the holiday greeting, I looked at the notice. "please pay us $24.44 by december 25th, or your service will be interrupted." merry fucking christmas to you too, southwestern bell! there's an accountant somewhere who needs to get laid and smoke a bowl or something....
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holy shit, it's friday! I totally didn't realize that it was, until I got a call from my mom asking me if I was still planning on driving down tomorrow.

<me> tommorow? not tomorrow, but saturday, sure.
<mom> nathan dear, tomorrow IS saturday.
<me> holy crap, no way, I thought it was wednesday!
<mom> we need to get you a calendar or a girlfriend. preferrably...
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death comes to those who wait
holy shit..you and I share the exact same birthday...
absolutely frightening. I once met a girl with the same exact birthday... she was even born within about a half-hour of me. unfortunately, that's about all we had in common.

[Edited on Dec 16, 2002]
I got ambushed today. wandered into work about five minutes before our team's monday morning meeting, and as I'm putting down my backpack and turning on my monitor, I hear Doug across the aisle say, "what the FUCK is this thing on my calendar that's scheduled over our meeting?" frowning, I peered at my own calendar...it was on mine also. oh no! uninteresting meeting alert...
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