saw the matrix reloaded at the 10pm 'special preview showing' tonight. crazy mad wiley cool.
lucky bastard
doom 3 looks hiiighper
it's like a cross between resident evil and that arnold schwartzenegger movie on mars
three hundred and ninety-six miles. six hours and six minutes. one stop for gas, urination, and a drink. average speed: sixty-four point nine five miles per hour. thus ended the weekend trip to texas.

some highlights:

driving on I-30, I was passed by a man on a motorcycle, traveling at approximately 85 miles per hour. he was leaning back in the seat. he had his...
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when my grandpa still lived in florida...instead of with us grrr...we used to drive down to visit. our favorite thing to do on the way was count how many waffle houses you could see from the highway...i believe the last time we went the number was in the high 600's.
and you should know by now that church=stupidity. either that or it equals molestation of choir boys...which kinda falls under stupidity. hmm.
and as for the people you had to see, i try to avoid them...you may have got, you're getting fat, which i get all the time, but at least you didn't get you're not married yet? why dont you have kids? you should get a job thats made for girls. like a stewardess....and this mostly comes from my grandfather and his friends. and at least you only have to see this people on rare occasions...not every fucking day. ill give you a dollar to shoot me.
I know, I know. they really are nice people though, just misled. oh, I got plenty of questions about my marriage prospects, or complete lack thereof.
acts of god, missing liquid, and bedtime fun, it's time for a mixed grab bags of things that pissed me off today.

it started on my way home from work. there I was, just having left the parking lot, driving down a road woth <b>no other cars</b> around, neither in front nor behind me. there were <b>no people</b> visible on either side of the road....
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wow that is one bad night man. though that reminds me of the story my sister was telling me about her truck today. they had it fixed but when they got it back it was making a whistling sound at the window. so they called and told the girl and she said to come in. she heard the noise and said they'd order a new seal. for about a month jessie called and called seeing if this seal had come in and they just kept blowing her off. so then my brother in law calls and gets pissed at the chick when she says there was no noise it was that he was driving the truck wrong. now what the fuck? so mike asks to talk to a hire up. the vice pres wanted to meet with him. mike goes, vice is no show. mike leaves. vice calls jess and says he just missed mike. so the guy comes to their house and says oh im sorry for the inconvience...i know what the problem is. i could fix it right now if you have a phillips screw driver. mike says no. vice guy doesnt understand. mike says you put me through shit for over a month. i want you to take my truck in, fix it, wash and detail it, i want my gas money back for driving back and forth, and i want your truck to drive to work tomorrow. smile i love my brother in law.
heh, rock. way to demand quality service.
my freaking downstairs neighbor is incapable of emptying the lint trap in the dryer. I share a washer/dryer with 5 other apartments. I live upstairs. of the other 2 upstairs apartments, one is empty and the other is only occupied for 3-4 days every month, sometimes less. one of the downstairs apartments is empty I believe. another of the downstairs apartments is only occupied about...
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leave one alive to put in after its done...so that she knows what the bloody blown up bits stuck to her clothes are.
I don't think they'd blow up so much as they'd start cooking amongst her clothes.
it's been a long time since I've done dishes. a _long_ time. my standard operating procedure is to just wash what I need at the time...which means a fork here, a spoon there, a plate, a bowl, etc. every once in a while however, I wash <b>all</b> the dishes. today is that day. after I've finished wiping slime from the dishes at the bottom of...
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hi, nice to meet you, I'm reality.
hi reality im self delusion. its nice here.
blech. had the camera shoved down my throat this morning. whatever the drugs they gave me were, they left me with a hangover of sorts. I still feel a little light-headed, but screw the warnings not to drive for 24 hours. I've got to go see x-men 2 tonight. soon, in fact.
i need to see it too. i wonder if id have to drag boyfriend there.
somehow I don't think you'll have to drag him there.

why must I see what I cannot reach? today at lunch, I was eating my baked potato soup, talking to my co-workers, and the hostess seated a party in my line of sight. the resturant was busy, but I noticed this party, due to one of its members. there was a man in his early 50's, not the one. there was a woman in...
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because I hate salad, and it was my other option. anyway, its only real purpose was to lay down a base for the medium rare ribeye steak.

she was way out of my league. she probably would have screamed. come to think of it, I don't have a league.
i like salad. tis good.
well, I managed to bribe someone to agree to take me to the hospital on friday so the doctor can shove a camera down my throat. I figure I got off fairly cheap, all it took was paying for the tickets to the next 2 big movies: x-men 2, and the matrix reloaded. actually, I'd already bought the tickets for both... I just ended up...
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cant imagine why youd want a camera down your throat.
the full-color pictures are neat looking. I'm thinking about trying to get copies of them this time.
I sure do hate it when I read a joke, and the punchline has some horrible grammatical error that I can't overlook. who am I kidding, horrible grammatical errors anywhere in the joke ruin it for me. the worst offenders? you're/your swaps. jesus fucking christ people, it's not that hard to tell the difference.
ur a fuqn fag lol!!!!!!!!


i forget the rest, been having nightmares all day.

stories to follow, upon my return to MIRCD LAND
i am hgirl! fear me and my hatred filled brain.
such a dork am I. so, the last important thing I wanted to make my PVR machine do, has been done. I now have a computer sitting under the TV, which will record TV shows for me, a la Tivo. it plays my copious mp3 collection (with fullscreen visualizations). it plays my collections of music videos, movies, tv show episodes, etc in various electronic formats....
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boy I sure do love it when I buy things and they don't work.

so I go out this afternoon to buy the parts to build a PVR machine. everything went fairly well, until I got home and started putting things together.

1) the motherboard I bought supports duron processors up to 1.2ghz. they sold me a 1.3.

2) the video card I bought will...
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if things were simple wed have no reason to complain...and things would get boring. dont you think?
well, of course. complaining is a full-fledged hobby for some people, myself included.
today at work, our former adminstrative assistant came to visit. great! wonderful! it was awesome to see her again!

downside: she brought her 2.5 year old with her.

for an hour and a half, as I tried to work, I was assaulted by the frequent screams of a toddler. this kid has some serious lung capacity. after a minute or two of it, I...
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hey you still post/login.

good to know. should move to ohio, because its uh....

well, we have sgohio so HA.