Goodness, it looks like they accepted my set. I'm all pink and my profile pics changed? Wouldn't they let me know tho? They said they were going to think about it but that they liked it. Hmm. Well in any case they picked the worst picture of me as the profile pic, i look like i have a moustache and being hairy is one thing i definately am not. Oh well. I have a headache. I went with all the grade 3-4 kids to the sugar shacks today and i think i'm coming down from my maple syrop high, and kids are way too noisy to boot. One girl spilt ALL of her "tire" (or however u spell it) on her jacket and shoes, and she was this sticky little monster that i had to mop up. I think I'm going to make a cuppa and watch oprah and then hit the books. I am a slave to university-dome. Its bitter sweet. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and i hope to see some of u sexy ppl over the next few days! x0x