Do u ever feel like you're on some sort of willy wonka style boat ride thats all crazy and out of control? I feel rediculously busy lately. Goodness, what a day. I spent 2 hours with Ollie from Tatouatouage designing my tattoo. I'm getting it tomorrow. Yeeessss.. I hope I'll be able to bowl afterwards. Cuz I'm a nerd and I can't wait to bowl with the SGMTL group. I'm fucking nackered today....i couldnt sleep last night and i spent all day at my internship. God I am SO not gonna be an elementary teacher. Kids are so demanding....miss this miss that. I'm too young to be called miss! I'm also pms-ing. Not a good time to be around kids. Also i'm on edge cuz i'm dying to hear back from Missy as to whether my set's been accepted. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that it was sent in. *gulp* PLUS i just found out my school might go on an unlimited strike...and thus rendering all hard work and effort useless. On a happy note, last night a friend from London referred to me as one of his favorite people everywhere. Talk about making me feel warm and squishy. So this is my not so interesting journal entry for today. I can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow.
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Nice to see there is someone else out there in the world who feals the same way i do. What is the fashion world comming to?