I had an amazing weekend. I did not do a single school related activity (very bad of me). I also spent the weekend with someone whom i had never met b4. he came from outta town and stayed at my place. call it naive, but there's no explaining a good gut feeling. and i rely heavily on gut feeling. so ya, we had a good time, at least i did, very much so., i haven't giggled like a school girl that much in a really long time. it was sad to say good bye. tomorrow is back to reality, spring break over, and i must attend to the gazillion million homework assignments that are creeping up quickly. but i just bought the new Nightwish album so i have good music to listen to in my drawing class tomorrow. yay for small perks.
CS's Fuses was definitely an inspiration for me to do SG, as was Annie Sprinkle's work. Good luck with your set! I hope it gets in!