So i've been without the internet since sunday which has been quite unnerving since i'm totally addicted to looking at naked ladies on the internet. But it was nice to finally get it up and running again tonight and was nice to see all the new naked ladies. Who knows, i might be a naked lady on the internet myself sometime soon. I shot my set (with cherryonionkiss) last week and once i send it in i just have to wait to find out if they dig the set. If i may say so myself, it turned out pretty good so hopefully it'll be a go. Besides getting nekkid in front of my lady friends not too much has happened. I'm going out for a beer tonight, which is way over due. I've been terribly stressed with the amounts of homework and internship stuff lately and tonight i get to do fuck all which is wonderful
I also have a lot of movies to watch like Love Actually which is the best non-cheesy love movie ever, that i started watching again last night but didn't have time to finish cuz i had to get up early to go to school for my psychology test which i think i marginally passed cuz the last few chapters were all about metacognitive skills and was really boring. Ahhh...BEEEEEEEER!

Anyway, I'm glad you dodged a bullet.
Call me lame, but I think the circumstances are pretty cool haha.
Have a good break!