Last night my brothers friend came over (who is also good friends with the fireman) and we hung out for a bit and she told me that the fireman obviously likes me. Fuck! Is he a good guy or a bad guy? He's like teetering in the middle right now and its driving me crazy. I've placed him in my mind as a womanizing individual who's company i love who i can adore from afar, and now there's possibility that he's actually not a womanizer. Arg. It'd be better off if he could just be a womanizer then i could rest asure knowing that he's better off out of my mind. I went on a date tonight with the guy i met on saturday and again he was a total gentleman and we had good conversation. Except i have this retarded crush on someone i shouldn't be thinking of. It was pleasent tho. Now i'm hyper from too many bad coffees. I should draw. I drew a super nice enlarged detail of my face today that im proud of. My drawing skills are coming along nicely and i feel more confident in my work so that puts a smile on my face. Anyhoo, SGMTL meeting this weekend! WoooHooo!
You weren't at the GT!