New shit:
Went to an AWESOME Emily Carr exhibition at the montreal museum of fine arts. i was so fucking blown away. she inspired me so much. and i love her love of first nations, a big interest of mine.
Saw Sue Johansen, the little 70 year old Sex Educator do a lecture at my university. SO fucking cool, that woman owns. She tells it like it is, and is so goddam funny. I like how she said the loss of virginity is when a penis enters the vagina. pissed off all the gay ppl in the room. tee hee.
started eating red meat again. i can't stop eating bacon. fuck the pigs for now, i need bacon. my lust for it is insatiable. lemme enjoy it for the time being, until i watch some Peta videos or something and i'll give it up again for another 3 years.
dying hair red soon. vampire red. screw this blonde shit, too much attention from random gross guys and i'm sick of accounting my silly mishaps to my hair color. i'm air headed sometimes, has nothing to do with the hair color.
Going on a roadtrip to Halifax soon. Maybe that doesn't sound cool to you, but it's the shit to me. I'm going down with my bf, we're gunna sing and play 20 questions all the way there. Once there we're gunna explore our atlantic city, eat lobster gallor, drink till we can't drink no more, go sailing and have a generally good time. I've never seen the maritimes before and i'm stoked. plus it's a first roadtrip with the boy, i mean that's cute yanno.
Here's some pictures, because all journals need some:
I made my friend Jay look retarted by posting only retarded pictures of him. Well he graduated university with honors and distinction and all that jazz, so he's very knowledgable. But likes to get down too yanno. Those kindsa ppl are the best, the ones with the brains who like to party.
Well it's been real..
Tao x
Went to an AWESOME Emily Carr exhibition at the montreal museum of fine arts. i was so fucking blown away. she inspired me so much. and i love her love of first nations, a big interest of mine.
Saw Sue Johansen, the little 70 year old Sex Educator do a lecture at my university. SO fucking cool, that woman owns. She tells it like it is, and is so goddam funny. I like how she said the loss of virginity is when a penis enters the vagina. pissed off all the gay ppl in the room. tee hee.
started eating red meat again. i can't stop eating bacon. fuck the pigs for now, i need bacon. my lust for it is insatiable. lemme enjoy it for the time being, until i watch some Peta videos or something and i'll give it up again for another 3 years.
dying hair red soon. vampire red. screw this blonde shit, too much attention from random gross guys and i'm sick of accounting my silly mishaps to my hair color. i'm air headed sometimes, has nothing to do with the hair color.
Going on a roadtrip to Halifax soon. Maybe that doesn't sound cool to you, but it's the shit to me. I'm going down with my bf, we're gunna sing and play 20 questions all the way there. Once there we're gunna explore our atlantic city, eat lobster gallor, drink till we can't drink no more, go sailing and have a generally good time. I've never seen the maritimes before and i'm stoked. plus it's a first roadtrip with the boy, i mean that's cute yanno.
Here's some pictures, because all journals need some:

I made my friend Jay look retarted by posting only retarded pictures of him. Well he graduated university with honors and distinction and all that jazz, so he's very knowledgable. But likes to get down too yanno. Those kindsa ppl are the best, the ones with the brains who like to party.
Well it's been real..
Tao x