so my dog got sprayed by a fucking skunk tonight. the house smells absolutely toxic. i seriously walked into the house and started gagging and my eyes watered. i scrubbed the shit out the bathroom in hopes of removing any remaining stink from the fixtures in the bathroom where the dog was washed but i think the smell has seeped into the walls, my linens, the carpets, my LUNGS. seriously, there's this minty sort of toxic feeling in the back of my throat. I don't know what to do? I'm thinking of calling a friend and sleeping else where. Any suggestions? How much longer am i to suffer like this?????
if it still stinks, wash everything you can with lots of fabric softener sheets and heat a pot of vanilla and cinnamon sticks on low heat on your stove.. .. it'll make eveything smell fabulous!
on a happier note... i think i'm going to be in montreal a couple times this week! tomorrow for the summer know?show (which you're welcome to come to if you'd like to pretend to work for me again!) and hopefully on sunday for warped tour or under pressure (depending on whether or not i have enough money to go to warped tour or not)
are you going to warped tour?