Dear Hardcore Kids
Would you learn how to behave in the pit please? Does kicking peoples teeth out make you hardcore? Does going to school or doing the 9-5 like every other joe blow and kicking peoples teeth out on your down time make you hardcore?
Please learn how to get along. It's really quite lame!
See, venues even come with rules.
Honestly! fuck i just got back from touring with ion dissonance for a month around the states and i swear these kids just do not know how to control themselves. I understand you're going to death metal/grindcore/hardcore show and you wanna blow off some steam but i swear, almost every night there was a fight. A kid left on a stretcher one night with no sign of life in him. Where's this unity amongst fellow people gone? Honestly! So lame.
Well, with that said, I'm happy to be home. The whole trip was amazing besides 3 days of hell in california (where i got to see fresh stab wounds, got heat stroke, got harrassed by a HUGE crazy man high on meth at 4am in LA, almost got slithered on by a rattle snake all of this on top of VERY LITTLE sleep, bad food and no showers) Needless to say we were all incredibly happy to leave california behind. But the rest of the trip was amazing. There are some beautiful places in America. Arizona, may we meet again one day.
Living in a van with 5 guys for 4 weeks was surpizingly easy, i laughed my fucking ass off repeatedly on a daily basis (except for in cali), it was wonderful! The guys did a show every night so there was little time for sight seeing but none the less, good times. We had a bunch of sleepovers with Arsis, the other band we were touring with, and that was so much fun. One girl, 10 guys, no hanky panky, just good pleasent times! I love boys. I wish girls were like boys.
Anyways I'll post some pics
This is us with Arsis on the last night, everyone made retard faces. i didn't, but they happen naturally anyway.
Our home
me looking tough. but i am definately not tough.
in daytona
this is the snake that slithered over my stuff while i was enjoying some shade under a tree while we were out in the middle of the desert while the guys were shooting a music video.
And lastly me, i like to get my picture taken with plants and flowers n stuff. nerd.
Well thats all, in very recent news, I went blonde today. I'm on the fence. The cut is great tho. pics to come. And my boy gets home from tour tomorrow morning and we're very excited to see each other and i'm not gunna be able to sleep tonight thats for sure
Over and out!
Tao x
Would you learn how to behave in the pit please? Does kicking peoples teeth out make you hardcore? Does going to school or doing the 9-5 like every other joe blow and kicking peoples teeth out on your down time make you hardcore?
Please learn how to get along. It's really quite lame!
See, venues even come with rules.

Honestly! fuck i just got back from touring with ion dissonance for a month around the states and i swear these kids just do not know how to control themselves. I understand you're going to death metal/grindcore/hardcore show and you wanna blow off some steam but i swear, almost every night there was a fight. A kid left on a stretcher one night with no sign of life in him. Where's this unity amongst fellow people gone? Honestly! So lame.
Well, with that said, I'm happy to be home. The whole trip was amazing besides 3 days of hell in california (where i got to see fresh stab wounds, got heat stroke, got harrassed by a HUGE crazy man high on meth at 4am in LA, almost got slithered on by a rattle snake all of this on top of VERY LITTLE sleep, bad food and no showers) Needless to say we were all incredibly happy to leave california behind. But the rest of the trip was amazing. There are some beautiful places in America. Arizona, may we meet again one day.
Living in a van with 5 guys for 4 weeks was surpizingly easy, i laughed my fucking ass off repeatedly on a daily basis (except for in cali), it was wonderful! The guys did a show every night so there was little time for sight seeing but none the less, good times. We had a bunch of sleepovers with Arsis, the other band we were touring with, and that was so much fun. One girl, 10 guys, no hanky panky, just good pleasent times! I love boys. I wish girls were like boys.
Anyways I'll post some pics
This is us with Arsis on the last night, everyone made retard faces. i didn't, but they happen naturally anyway.

Our home

me looking tough. but i am definately not tough.

in daytona

this is the snake that slithered over my stuff while i was enjoying some shade under a tree while we were out in the middle of the desert while the guys were shooting a music video.

And lastly me, i like to get my picture taken with plants and flowers n stuff. nerd.

Well thats all, in very recent news, I went blonde today. I'm on the fence. The cut is great tho. pics to come. And my boy gets home from tour tomorrow morning and we're very excited to see each other and i'm not gunna be able to sleep tonight thats for sure

Over and out!
Tao x
yes come back to arizona and get another 80 dollar tip

I saw your post in death metal...hilarious. I'm seeing dimmu borgir in a month so I've got to know, did they put on a good show? I'll be driving about 3 hours to see them, is it worth it? I've heard nothing of their live show. I'm pretty excited though. How did you get backstage? By the wat I agree unity is gone at shows. I get the fuck beaten out of me and I'm a girl, dammit. Can't even enjoy the show.