In Canada, the land of long johns and frozen snot, we do things to keep ourselves entertained that average temperature folk might not understand. We do things like walk our dogs on frozen lakes in -35 degree Celsius weather (which is MINUS 35 degrees Fahrenheit). But it keeps our spirits up, seeing how much the little (big) guy likes to gallop around like Black Beauty on the frozen water. It's really cute when he hits a pure ice patch and starts skidding and sliding. I photographed a walk my brother, his gf, and myself took last week with the dog.
This is them crawling across a rather ominous patch of ice. It's quite nerve wracking actually when you've realized you've just walked over a really crackly piece of ice. No worries though, the waters been frozen over a foot deep for about 2 months at this point.
In other news, check out these pictures from my family Oscar night. It's madness around here I tell ya. We really get into it. I printed out ballots for us to each fill out, and we made a huge buffet of goodies.
These are some vegan cookies I made. I had been looking around for vegan recipes but I found they were way too hardcore for me. Obscure ingredients I'd never heard of? Hemp flakes and what not? Fuggedaboutit. But I found these ones, for ginger cranberry oatmeal cookies that call for soymilk and no eggs. So easy, very normal, delicious little vegan cookies. P.S. I'm not vegan. Just thought I'd test out some cookies.
Yesterday I hung out with lee, we went for tea and cider and looked at trashy magazines, then shazzy became temporarily homeless so she made me hang out with her. She took me for dinner, and then we went to see a movie. Since we couldn't agree on one we decided Music and Lyrics was the best pick. Like shazzy said in her blog, this is my last Drew Barrymore movie too. She is so awful. She might be cute, she mighta been hollywoods wild child, but she's a shitty actress and she made me not really enjoy my Hugh Grant movie that I was thoroughly looking forward to.
Today I walked Leroy around my little village, no walking on the water today, it's warm out. Too scary for me. Towards the end of our walk I decided to take him to a little park since it was so nice out and didn't wanna go home right away. So we go to the park, I let him off the leash, and of course he runs through the deepest snow at the furthest corner and takes a nice long poo. And since its nice out I'm wearing my DC's instead of boots. So I try and wade my way towards the poo to pick it up and I get snow inside my shoes, which subsequently starts freezing my ankles. Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I hate winter.
You know that song by Nelly Furtado, Man Eater? My brother just started singing his own version, "She's a man eater, she's mah sista!" He thinks he's funny.
Well I have to go work out now, hopefully one day I'll shoot a set with rip-roaring abs that will make you all wince in fear. Ya. That'll be the day.
Ciao amigos.
Tao x
This is them crawling across a rather ominous patch of ice. It's quite nerve wracking actually when you've realized you've just walked over a really crackly piece of ice. No worries though, the waters been frozen over a foot deep for about 2 months at this point.

In other news, check out these pictures from my family Oscar night. It's madness around here I tell ya. We really get into it. I printed out ballots for us to each fill out, and we made a huge buffet of goodies.

These are some vegan cookies I made. I had been looking around for vegan recipes but I found they were way too hardcore for me. Obscure ingredients I'd never heard of? Hemp flakes and what not? Fuggedaboutit. But I found these ones, for ginger cranberry oatmeal cookies that call for soymilk and no eggs. So easy, very normal, delicious little vegan cookies. P.S. I'm not vegan. Just thought I'd test out some cookies.

Yesterday I hung out with lee, we went for tea and cider and looked at trashy magazines, then shazzy became temporarily homeless so she made me hang out with her. She took me for dinner, and then we went to see a movie. Since we couldn't agree on one we decided Music and Lyrics was the best pick. Like shazzy said in her blog, this is my last Drew Barrymore movie too. She is so awful. She might be cute, she mighta been hollywoods wild child, but she's a shitty actress and she made me not really enjoy my Hugh Grant movie that I was thoroughly looking forward to.
Today I walked Leroy around my little village, no walking on the water today, it's warm out. Too scary for me. Towards the end of our walk I decided to take him to a little park since it was so nice out and didn't wanna go home right away. So we go to the park, I let him off the leash, and of course he runs through the deepest snow at the furthest corner and takes a nice long poo. And since its nice out I'm wearing my DC's instead of boots. So I try and wade my way towards the poo to pick it up and I get snow inside my shoes, which subsequently starts freezing my ankles. Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I hate winter.
You know that song by Nelly Furtado, Man Eater? My brother just started singing his own version, "She's a man eater, she's mah sista!" He thinks he's funny.
Well I have to go work out now, hopefully one day I'll shoot a set with rip-roaring abs that will make you all wince in fear. Ya. That'll be the day.
Ciao amigos.
Tao x
kisses from chile
im just thinking about the great tan session ive had at the beach few days ago and looking at those pictures above makes me go all wuzzy inside heheheheh