I'm a cheeseball, I'll admit it.
Amazing cuddle session today with a boy in my life that I'm pretty fond of. Hopefully TNTkatie, Jason66, said boy and I will go swing dancing together soonish! It'd be so fun.

So, I'm moved back into my mom's house! Well... kind of anyways, about 3/4 of my room is put together. It's coming together pretty nicely. Kind of a mixture of pureness and girlyness, with a little crazy thrown in (like me), lol.

Soooo, since I never wrote about it, Rilo Kiley was AMAZING! I loved, loved, loved, loved, thoroughly enjoyed, seeing them.

ok, this one is wayyyy before, lol, like at 2ish or something. we ate at this awesome little cafe i've been going to forever (Al's) in downtown Elgin. this is near there:

at concert, before show:

So, the 27th was one of my brother's bdays (Forrest) and he wanted to go downtown to the art institute with family, which was a blast! I love that place.
although, i've been craving a visit to the aquarium... once i get a bit of money, i'll be there.
anywho, here's a newly discovered piece of art that i enjoyed:

it reminded me of mermaids... which i've always liked...
and i made him this cake!:

(it says "fresco", his nickname)
And guess what?! Today is my daddy's birthday!
Happy birthday papa!! turning 53, pretty much a geezer, lol. i love him.
we had a little thingamabob for him n Forrest together (since my mom n him are divorced) and went canoing/kayaking n threw around a football outside. first time i'd ever been in a kayak, it was a blast! well... once i knew how to steer with my little stepsister anyways, lol.
Sometimes in life it feels like everything just ends up going right if you stop thinking about it so much...
My little brother once told me if I was an animal, i'd be a squirrel. And he holds by that to this day.
So here's a squirrel picture (or maybe it's me in disguise) i enjoyed at the museum:

Night loves,
stupid rockford..