Tuesday Oct 07, 2008 Oct 7, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email 10 days til I leave for Broome. I cannot wait to get out of here and get some sun! P.S. Me blonde: My brothers and I: VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS naughtydevil: Thats a really nice thing for you to be doing, volunteering at the community school. For indigenous kids? nice to meet you too *french kisses* (lol) Oct 9, 2008 velvetfaerie: mmm nice warm sunshine lots out today WOO HOO....about to go enjoy... but i wanted to say your words made sense ! very much so thank you enjoy Broome ! and get into lots of mischief Oct 9, 2008
nice to meet you too
lots out today WOO HOO....about to go enjoy... but i wanted to say your words made sense !
very much so
thank you
enjoy Broome !
and get into lots of mischief