I would like to share a little piece of mind with all of you guys and those who are part of the latino community.
I am currently living in Panama (between Colombia and Costa Rica, for those who doesnt know) and in this country is not very common to see a Suicide Girl as part of the panamenian community. We only grew watching SGs from other parts of the world, never here. We actually had one a lot of years ago but she is currently inactive, so me and my best friend @cirice decided to break that cycle and apply to be a SG.
Everything was doing great so far. Or that we thought
Couple of hours ago I had a little misunderstanding with another girl who's trying to apply with the page, she basically did slut-shamming with one of pictures which she took from my SGH instagram, she made fun of the size of my breast and I was obviously damn mad about it.
Like... Why did she made fun of me? She's applying to be a Suicide Girl but doesn't even know the real purpose of being one?
And so the fight kept going on, I began to read some comments about third parties, saying that SG was so old fashioned and how WE BEING LATINAS COULD EVEN BE A SUICIDE GIRL?
In that very moment i realized that people will never take us serious in this, and i gotta say is very disrespectful.
We are latinas, we are beautiful and we are part of something is bigger.
Is very sad to see how the other people try to take you down just because they don't believe in changes.
I have seen many latina girls, Latina Suicides that actually are very famous girls and they succeed on the page and that is damn awesome!
Thnks for reading me babes,
@cirice @dayi92 @siumel