*Sigh* I don't know what it is about a lot of the girls on here, but there are only a few that really do it for me and make me go wow. Call me cynical, call me a bitch, but it just seems lately like all the sets look the same........ I guess I just want to see someone really beautiful, and really fucking unique... even the "big names" on this site that everyone else seems to like, I find myself going "eh". Please don't take this blog the wrong way, every girl on this site is beautiful and in their own way and I give each and every girl mad props for modeling for sg, but I really honestly think that the "alternative" look is fading and that a lot of the "girl next door" type girls are being accepted with like a belly button ring or a little dinky ass tattoo and thats it... and they are getting like 284719479437 comments.. and the really artistic girls aren't getting the attention I guess you could say, that I personally think they should be getting. I dunno, I just feel like if I wanted to go and look at a normal chick, I could go to any fucking porn site out there or go to sites like playboy. Sorry if you think I sound like an ass, I'm just being honest.
Read the new tankgirls? Jamie Hewlitt doesnt do the art anymore and its terrible... style is kaput... blah... still worth reading though.