Well, well, well, ... Ulterior rocked the Amsterdam Docklands for sure! It was a nice farewell party @ Pakhuis Wilhelmina. And now it's time to move on to another location.
It's been a while, been bloody busy with a lot of things. So now it's time to relax and listen to good music, enjoy some good food, and perhaps check out a gig or a swell party.
What a coicidence!?
There's a good party coming up in Amsterdam, again a notorious Kobyashi party and this time they're presenting Ulterior live! Dave Clarke said about these... Read More
Survived my new job,
survived the Kobyashi party with Paul Daley,
survived X-mas
and if I survive new years eve,
2007 is going to be my year,
according to the Chinese.
The Kobyashi Girls poledancing and bardancing at the Kobyashi party featuring Jagz Kooner and Jeremy Norris. Listen to the music as well! Coincidentally a remix done by Jagz from Kasabian's new single Empire.