I'm a ittle stressed, today i'll get a new tattoo, by Laura Satana, a mistress in old school art..... then i'll make some pics and send a set to sg... hope you'll like......
come and see a new sg, she's one of my best friends, really cute and lovely, Claire..
I'd love to see you in December. I'll get busy planning!! biggrin I hope you have a really great time in berlin, you travel so much- I'm very jealous. Your life seems so exciting! kiss
Bonjour, comme vous avez pu le constater le site de Raphalle Duplay est enfin oprationnel... Vous y retrouverez des photos o je figure... sans autorisation de ma part, ou plutt avec non respect de Mlle Raphalle Duplay quant au contrat crit, dat et sign synallagmatiquement et consensuellement. Autrement dit, cette personne ne respecte pas ses engagements crits. Domage car aux yeux de la loi, un tel contrat constitue une preuve parfaite. Quant l'utilisation qu'elle fait de mes photos sur d'autres sites qui ne lui appartiennent pas, et ce dans le seul but de faire du racollage passif en vue d'attirer quelques soumis qui la rmunrent confortablement, source principale de ses revenus, cela constitue autant de preuves imparfaites, qui sont laisses la seule apprciation des reprsentants de la loi... Aussi, je vous informe qu'aprs plusieurs avertissements et une main courant que j'ai dpos, j'ai cette fois ci effectivement dpos plainte... et ne retirerai pas ma plainte! Et je tiens en outre prciser que malgr le fait qu'elle cherche faire croire que je suis une "soumise", je n'en suis rien et vis parfaitement et assume pleinement ma bisexualit... Je prcise toutefois que j'ai beaucoup de respect pour cette personne, ce qu'elle a vcu que ce soit du de mauvais ou de bons choix... Je respecte ce qu'elle est. Ce que je ne tolre pas, c'est le non respect d'un contrat. Elle a t la fille pour qui j'ai eu le plus de respect, avec qui j'ai su faire preuve de patience le plus, une des rares que j'ai cout, peut - tre mme la seule que je n'ai pas voulu juger ds le dpart sans apprendre mieux la connatre. Voil, l'heure o vous terminez ces quelques lignes, peut - tre vous tes - vous dj empress(e) de l'appeler, de lui dire "t'inquite cette pute on va lui casser la gueule" ou encore "laisse tomber, a n'aura pas de suite"... que sais - je? Eh bien, quel que soit le jugement que vous me porterer ou lui prterez, sachez que je m'en bt les couilles - passez - moi l'expression - je tenais juste vous informer que ces photos il vous faut les oublier, qu'elles n'ont aucune valeur d'autant plus que Raph (Polly, Crust Princess, Matresse Crust ou Karen pour d'autres) et moi c'est fini depuis un petit moment dj... Et ses "Je t'aime" perptuels du dbut, toutes ses belles phrases qui sonnaient faux, ne sont plus qu'un cho... J'ai du respect pour les pratiques sexuelles quelles qu'elles soient - sauf zoophilie et pdophilie - seulement je ne suis pas masochiste, pas mme amatrice, et je refuse que de telles photos circulent mon insu alors qu'elles ne sont le reflet que d'une mise en scne... d'autant plus que la mise en scne est fort mdiocre! Voil, prenez le comme vous voudrez... mais prenez soin d'elle car vous tes ses amis quoi qu'il en soit. Merci de m'avoir lue.
everything is now allright for me..... i have some work plans to get money, i enjoy this "boheme" life i live here... i've met a charming guy, and a cute woman..
i feel in love and it's been a long time i hadn't been so well......
thanxs for your mails, it has helped my mind when i was sad...... kiss
i've got new piercings, tattoos, and...
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kiss coucou ma puce, c est crust , now, je peut te voir et t ecrire...on est sg copine lol love
Bah, my plans to come over were ruined, my boyfriend had to sell his Velvet Revolver paris tickets to pay a bill. frown Booo.
I will definately try and find another way to get there. How long are you there for?

i thought life in paris was neat. i was wrong. in fact my boss in the studio of piercing isn't honnest. i am now unemployed, without money, without perspective of a new job, because it's hard to find a new one at the end of july.........and hard to fiund one when you've got my look. pfffffffffffffffff
i hate people in the business system.
so.................. i...
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Hey that's funny!!! I remember you... You were looking for a job and went to my friend's shop. I was talking with her and you asked for work... I remember your pink hair... This world is so small... I thank SuperZombie for talking about you... I didn't know you were an SG member too... ooo aaa
aw. im sad for you. thats crap.

im sure youll find a lot of friends. you tot rock. and your hot to boot!

back in paris yesterday.... i was desperatly searching for a job for the summer.... and thanxs to my "aura" maybe,lol, today i found one.. as a piercer.. other piercer's and tattooists seems nice... that's well paid also... i have to party that!!!! smile i really like paris.... no skinheads to take my head, no agressive wechwech, smile smile , i've got a flat near everything...... so many people...
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rockin'! sounds like life is well for you. Good luck with the new job!
loved the My Little Pony pic btw!
I just come back from paris where i was for the week end... it was the gay pride and i was working for it.... i had to give some ad for a lesbian film to people... it was tiring but fun....... then on the evening i went to a fetish party............. blush (i love fetish parties....) i was totally stoned confused ......... but i met a beautiful...
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la prochaine fois que tu passes paris, si jamais par malheur tu t'ennuyais fais signe... ca a peu de chances d'arriver mais on ne sait jamais smile amuse toi bien jusqu' la prochaine fois kiss
certainly, my pleasure. at least I know it would be easy to spot you in the crowd for the first meeting smile regarding jobs I'm afraid I don't have anything for you at the moment but I'll keep an eye open for you. Let me know if I can be of help for anything else. smile
yeah maybe there's a goddess.....
this tomorrow better i hoped has arrived..
today was such a great day... and it's not finished.....mmm party tonight....
first: ___i saw a so cute guy at nina hagen 's concert last week......... i didn't dare to ask him his number... and i was really sad.. whatever i saw him again at a concert yesterday night, and as i had drank...
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Good to hear about the exams.
Great to hear about the cute dude.

Have fun at the party tonight.

i love girls, too. its grand.


simply tired.............. whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever (tired of so many things).........
tomorow must be better..
yes u can!
I'm tired too. That's why this is such a short message ooo aaa
eeek today a question went haunting my mind... in two days i am on holidays... (yeah yeah i'm a pink haired studiant)seriously, what am i gonna do for two months.......... i've got no money to travel..i'm so sad.. what a f****** materialist world we live in.. frown
if only i could work............. whatever
why can't I??? because each time i go presenting myself for a job they simply...
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in the other hand, this kind of haircut is precisely meant to say "fuck off" to everyone, originally, so don't be so suprised... well unless you want to work with creative people I guess it's not that easy indeed. but well sooner or later you will find someone who is not stupid and will see who you are instead of your hair.
take nice pics there and show us will ya ? smile
in a way you're right man. that's a kind of fuck off... but in other way it doesn't mean i'm not able to work, does it?....

had such a nice week end.... after a hard working week for my exams..... (and everything went allright)
i had the pleasure on saturday night to see "violet stigmata", a gothic bend, in a little club in belgium...........nothing's better than a concert in belgium.... punks and deathrock people everywhere.... jumping and dancing.. with beautiful crust hairs, tattoos, piercings............... drunk and stoned people also.. talking to...
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whoaaaaa ton premier friend chuis trop fier vu le nombre de splendides jeunes femmes qui trainent ici ! mais mon avis je vais pas rester le seul longtemps...
je vois que mademoiselle s'amuse ? cool continue smile bises et tout ca, bientot