Ah well the elections are over.People wee spray paintin "Vote Saddam" all over the polling sights.Ya know what I say?Bring his ass back here.If only for a week,bring his ass back here.These people thought they had it bad before he left?That mother fucker would gas them all for lettin him get captured!So Im all for it.He had the right idea in how to deal w/these people.All they know is pain and fear.Believe it or not,it works.I dont know.Im just sick of all these shit bags and there un-gratefull ways.Give me give me give me.Thats all I hear out of there fuckin dirty ass mouths all day long.Gas'em.Gas'em all.Take a year of my life away from me cause ya cant wipe your asses on your own will ya?Fuck that.These people make me sick.This place is supposed to be the cradle of civilization.The birth place if you will.Well that may be.But it sure looks like all the smart people got the fuck outta here after civilization was born and all the "Jerry's kids" stayed behind.If the earth opened up and swallowed this fuckin place I wouldnt shed a tear.

Well, i'm off, talk to you later. Be safe.
*molests*.......*molests some more*