Oh,dont lock terrorists or suspected terrorists up for life,thats mean.They only want to destroy our way of life as we know it.Boo Hoo.Now come on everybody,lets hold hands and pray for them.
Get the fuck outta here you little fuckin bitches.You all make me fuckin sick.
Get the fuck outta here you little fuckin bitches.You all make me fuckin sick.

About eighteen months ago, she married a European guy (a WASP, if you're curious) who she worked with for four years. They got married, and went on their honeymoon together. When they came back into the States, he was separated from her at the airport, with no explanation, and detained, with no charges.
His detainment continued for several weeks before any explanation was given, and no contact was permitted, nor was it revealed where he was.
What emerged over time was that he had filled out "no" on the "never been arrested" immigration form. He assumed that the charge for getting caught smoking pot at 14 years old was not what the DHS was demanding to know about.
This note, when cross-checked against whatever arrest record for the teenage foreign pot-smoker, put him in federal detainment for over three months. Under extra-judicial supervision, not DOJ, not Immigration.
During that time, he was permitted contact with his family only once, and no charges were ever filed. Finally, $40,000 in legal fees later, he was released as suddenly as he was arrested. No trial, no charges, no apology. He lost his job, obviously. And he's terrified of this fucking country now, maybe that makes him a little bitch?
He's not allowed to talk about where he was or what happened there, but he did say that he was in there with a lot of other "suspected terrorists," as he was referred to. He'd still be there if we didn't have that $40,000, or if he wasn't married to an American citizen, or if we had no pull with any gov agencies.
So I'm just curious, if we're locking up suspected terrorists for life, or put two to their heads, how many of them can be like my cousin's husband? Do you guys have an absolute number? Or a percentage?
What about all the suspected terrorists, like US Captain James Yee, all the others who were cleared of charges, based on genuiniely mistaken identity or information, etc, but only when pressure was applied by the DOJ or elsewhere? Do you think it would have gone differently for him if he weren't in the military?
Would James Yee have been an acceptable loss for you guys with this new system? Would it have been ok if he rotted in a hole? Or got gutted? How many other mistakes should we allow? Would if be ok with you if some of them were from your familes?
Because if it's not ok, then remind me what "way of life as we know it" you risk your life to defend. Again, I don't mean to underestimate what you guys do every day, the danger you face, or the value of what you do.
I just want to remember why you do it because it's not about fighting for absolute pronouncements by the government, as to who rots in jail for life without a trial or a charge. That's what we and you are fighting against, last I heard
and fuck all these overpaid asshole officers who are losing this war for us