Blah!!!! I'm bored at work. I went to big lots to look at some glass bottles and stuff for my next set. I have such a good idea, and think it's going to kick ass. AHHHH my fucking left eye wont stop twitching!!! I must be aggrivate dabout something...well Duh! I got that frenum to do today, whoo hoo. I am actually really excited about...
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I got all my stuff from people Air Force moving and college kids move-they just throw stuff onto the street and I yank the stuff.Everythjing in my Apt. I had not to buy(just my computer)-I even find a 27 HD TV on the side of the road.Peace!
Your avatar gets my vote!!!
well i went to the beach today, with Kenya and her two kids(that's Scotty's chic and two kids) I had a really nice time. I'm really excited about having someone here I know!!! that just makes me smile. though madison is driving me crazy! I just don't know with that bad ass little girl, and she's only 2 years old. well sense sheldon and scotty...
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That tankgirl tat is probably the sexiest ink I've EVER seen! I just gotta send mad props to that! Peace!
WOW!I am so thrilled that you are feelinmg better and back at work.If I was there i would have you do my all my TATS.By the way,I do get depress once in awhile too.I just wake up every morning and tell myself love 'thy self and what little things that are good to me'-cory yes,but it works for me.Peace my little Sis

so I am like really tired today, b/c Sheldon and Scotty went to new york this morning to get all Scotty's stuff to bring down here. His family and stuff are here, they are staying with me until they get back and then they are going to stay with me until their house is ready, b/c I have way more room for them, and i'm...
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yes you are a wondnerful person.Glad you are beging to feel better.I know what ya mean about letting companies take money out-i don't do it at all-like you i don't trust them because of the reason you stated.have a wonderful nap.

I'm glad you're feeling better! I went by the shop last night hoping to see you, but Sheldon told me you were there all day yesterday. Ahhh I'm just gonna have to drive to Crestview and see you at your shop! So I will be back in the chair getting more work done on Thursday. Please please try to be there so I can meet you!
sooo I am sooo fed of with this life right now. Well sheldon and I got into an argument last night. and for once sense we broke up I didn't start it!!!! I am sooo fucking pissed off!!! he ended up sleeping in the living room. well He finally said that he wanted to find someone less flamboant and more plane and boring and all...
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aww! sugar!
i know how you feel... i mean...kinda.
i just cant even find anyone to dump me!
im sorry and i hope you feel better!
i know how you feel... i mean...kinda.
i just cant even find anyone to dump me!
im sorry and i hope you feel better!
You don't want to grow up to fast there tankgirl!
Are you really that fucking worried about it?
Are you really that fucking worried about it?

well one I got the house!!!! it's a brick 3 bed room, 1bath, and it is 1,134 square feet. and a closed in garage. I had my scope done today too, and come to find out I have somethin called viral gastro something or other, but what is happening, is that my stomach is not emtying like it's self like it's suppose to! So they...
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glad things are starting to look up ^__^
sorry bout the other stuff though
sorry bout the other stuff though
I hope your tummy feels better! Lovely talking to you last night!

so i went and looked at a house today with the lady that owns it.....she was sooo nice and the house is gorgeous!!!!! i love it. sheldon and i are getting along b/c now when i don't like something i tell him instead of just pushing it aside b/c i love him, and i truley think there is hope for us!!!!

Sounds great angel! I cant wait to move into my own place! Erm, Whats the deal with Vacuum attachments? Hahahaha, I admit theyre pretty rad, but hot? I dunno....

Aww yay for you guys! Do I get to meet you tonight?
well things are going the same as usually, for some reason he dosen't think I can make it on my own, and that just pisses me off b/c I was taking care of myself before I met him, and I can do it will we are seperated! God men are stupid!!!
I agree men suck ass. Btw you might have to meet the guy I'm living with tomorrow night. We are separating as well, but I'm living with him until our lease is up at the end of October. He's too clingy that why we are splitting up. You'll probably notice it if you come to the shop.
men are super stupid!
and ya keep those fingers crossed thanks!
and ya keep those fingers crossed thanks!
hello all. well not much has changed, except now I am ready to go....He is driving me nuts. I keep telling myself sometimes you have to break up to realize you want to be together. and i truely belive that. I am ready to get out of that house. I have found a town house that is gorgeous, and close to work, I just hope...
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I think moving out will be good for your relationship. If things are meant to be then they'll happen no matter what. Get yourself some air and breathe and stretch your legs and be happy and have a good time.
sorry to hera about your relationship...i dont wanna hear about them at all actually. but i wanna take YOU skating so i can laugh my ass off lol

sorry I haven't blogged but I have been kind of buisy, trying to find a new place to live, hmmmmmm smell the rank smell of defeat.....yes I can't sit here and act like I am not hurt, b/c I am. we were engaged and setting a date to get married , from that to I don't want to be with you anymore....well that is how...
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holy shit i love your tank girl tattoo! Ive always wanted to get the drawing of her riding her rhino.
You might be saying that now about being single,but you know it will change.Tho,I am sorry you are going therough this crap.I don't blame you to find your own place and get away from him.You can't heal if you stay there so you are doing the right thing.keep you head up my lady.i don't know you in person but I do beievel you are a strong person and will over come everything.BIG HUG
Well....I got dumped at like 2 am this morning, and No I am not A happy camper.....two as you all know my set was not yes I will be trying to do another set, but I'm in a creative bind and all right now, with the whole being dumped thing, I'm going to have to get everything for school together, and I'm going to...
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you cant enjoy the highs if you dont taste the lows............. an besides, the easy ride is always borin! just think, on the long rough road ahead your gonna meet a shit load of ppl that u woulda driven straight past otherwise!
Sometimes I wonder if the Emerald Coast is a place of evil.