whooo hoo I got the money for the rent!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!! i move as soon as I get the electricity and the water turned on, which i can't do until monday!!! I need to get the cable and internet cut on, but that will come after i get everything in order, and pay a 500 dollar phone bill b/c some bogus charges were put on it, but the thing is, it's getting acredited back, but to keep the phone from getting cut off I gotta pay the bill, but that is cool, b/c it will cover the next bills!!!! so whatever. I just need to get everything together, so tomorrow i'm going into work late. so i'm going to pack, get some packing tape, and get to boxing shit! I am sooo excited, my new drinking buddy came and hung with me at work, i would have went FWB with him lastnight, b/c I had been up sense 5 yesterday morning until 11 last night, so I was tired, but I might go out there tonight, I don't know. Sheldon and scotty are back from new york. soo I get my leg finished!!!! excited, I'm ready to get my chest worked on. sheldon and I are doing good, we decided to first work on being friends, and then work on everything else afterwards, but we do know we still love eachother, so we agree on something. so everything is good! sooo talk to you later taters, I'm going to go smoke a fag.