Blah!!!! I'm bored at work. I went to big lots to look at some glass bottles and stuff for my next set. I have such a good idea, and think it's going to kick ass. AHHHH my fucking left eye wont stop twitching!!! I must be aggrivate dabout something...well Duh! I got that frenum to do today, whoo hoo. I am actually really excited about moving into my own place, then I get to express my decorating abilities and I have good decorating abilities! I saw the cutes vases at big lots and they will be mine, muhahahahaaaa! sorry a little over the top. well the carpet got put in the house, so i can move in friday, but I wont be moving in until tuesday, b/c I have to work friday! so I can have the rent. woooh those kids at the house have been killing me! I mean damn,how much wining can you do??? the youngest one is the cutest, so I guess that automatically makes her bad, right? damn i have no dishes and stuff, but I'll get that from biglots. and I can get some cheap end tables and a coffee table from the flea market! fun shit right. so I'm on strike right now, b/c i haven't been tipped out for my cleaning services like i'm suppose to me, granted it's a courtesy for them to tip me out, but it's also a courtosey for me to clean their stations. soooo no clean clean from tank girl. Sadly this is the most inoportune for the tattoo artist not to tip me, when i really could use that money......wankers! oh well that is my day in a nut shell i'm going to go back to mind numbing boredom that is my day
later taters
later taters

I got all my stuff from people Air Force moving and college kids move-they just throw stuff onto the street and I yank the stuff.Everythjing in my Apt. I had not to buy(just my computer)-I even find a 27 HD TV on the side of the road.Peace!
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