I guess today was better in some sense.......sheldon is in the limbo of deciding if he wants to be with me or not after two years and bringing me here to florida, but I think it's going to be fine........atleast I hope it will be. anyways soooo I talked to my dad ealier today and asked him if I got insurance here would he pay for it for a couple of months until I could afford to pay for it myself, and if he would pay for me to get my transcript so I can get back in school, and he said sure.....I was kinda suprised, I mean there was no fighting, accusing or any of the normal shit we do before he gives up and dose it.....I guess he is getting to old for that kind of shit. well also all my girls are lit up....so you know what that means they have all my stuff, and I have another week or so, and I will know if I am a suicide girl...now if that isn't good news what is.....well I have also come to the conclusions that I have alot of bad habbits that I need to fix b/c they are starting to take a tole on alot of my relationships, and I have decided that I would work on the...and it's not shit like me being a bitch, b/c I am my mothers daughter and that wil mostlikely never change, and alot of ppl like me for being the biatch I was born to be, but just how I talk to ppl i care about and how I treat them and shit like that soooooo yeah . I also notice from all the animals that come around my house tha this going to be a cool winter, but not before the hoodie weather, that is like my favorite thing in the world. I'm getting a new tattoo in few minutes, sometimes you just need the therapy of pain...you know what I mean, soooo yeah I will talk to you all later!

Glad ya Dad is helping you out.Pain to cover up pain to cover pain,ect.It is good for awhile,but it is far more of a challenge to face the pain we have,this truely shows us how strong we really are.-Ok,Rabbi Raziel will stop the Jewish wisdom for tonight.

::hugs:: just remember call if you need to talk