so I actually did a little bit today.. i signed my gymn contract to start working out more when I get off this sick train. I mean I do gymnastics twice a week but that is just not enough...yes I am an exerciseaholic...come on I like jackie's trainers.. well and she's a hot older lesbian....damn I am ready to go to the spa again...yeah i go to spas I like other ppl doing my stuff for me, yes even a brazillian....fuck right I will pay someone to go down there I have no shame.....I'm trying to do this aren't I?? I am not modest, and lazy... that's why i have a mohawk...dosen't take much work. next best thing to an Oi! so I was reading luci's blog and you know I would hope the world is not so shallow that the sight of a hott exotic woman is not appealing???!!! I know it is to me I mean I love swirl babies...yeah I call us swirl babies...I think it's cute, but the point is I have faith in suicide girls that they know natural beauty no matter what color. you know what I'm doing when I get better....I'm going to work out, get a hair cut and go to a strip club!!!! whoot! every time i have had a chance to go to the strip club it gets fucked up...ugh and I love my strippers and they love me...but yeah that's about it... until something oh yeah did you know jared letto is from my home towns....sorry i just looked at the tv and saw him, but i'm going to go until later!!!!

Thanks for the add.Ya kitty is cute.I do agree with you about beauty here on SG.I am glad you added Luci,Luv that girl.I go to the gym about three or 4 times aweek to stay toned I don't think of beeing a exercisseahholic.Have a great day.