okay so I am home, but I haven't been near my computer alot, b/c I have been at my friends house every day accept 3 days including today that I have been home. I am really enjoying being home and everything, and I get to see all my friends, some mess has been going on at there house, I mean that house is like a...
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Good to hear from you and this are going somewhat well for you.

thank you so much for checking out my new set. i'm glad that you liked it. aren't drag clubs the BEST?! i used to go to one regularly when i lived in seattle and i used to have the most relaxed and fun times.
soo i'm sick of sheldon and I'm done with florida! as of tomorrow at 3:52 pm I will be back home, and not looking back. maybe in a year to 6 months, i'm going to move to cali with my uncle and aunt. things have just gone to shit, and the last thing i'm going to do is sit there and let sheldon or any...
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Sorry to hear you are have so much probmles.Do what you need to do.My car today just threw a rod and waterpump went out,so I have no car anymore.I can't afford one at the momnet.But it is all good-I can walk and stay in shape.Keep ya head,alright.
i feel you!
The hair does look good,wish there was more light on it.You are right it does make your eyes shine.I like the rings in ya ear-they look amazning.glad you are moving into your place soon.

YAY!!! That is soo sexy!
hey guys thanks for all the comments on my page for my rejected set, it made me feel alot better about it, but in all I am going to do my best on my next set!!! well I am almost at my goal for my electic bill!!!! hopefully by next tuesday I can be in my house!!! I am sooo ready, this house is just...
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Well they sound possitive good luck with the next one. I haveing trouble getting a set accepted myself at the moment

Maybe it was just too cute for them. . .you are absolutely gorgeous and your personality shines through the photos.
sooo I have paid the rent on the new house!!! now all I have to do is get the electric and water turned on, Blah and that is like 390 dollars for everything, how crazy is that??? I know. well also got my computer back! I'm going to shoot another set, next week, soooo fingers crossed guys! Sheldon is being really nice about the whole...
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super cute photos! Meow

i think the set lovely a big giant kitty to play with

Hey ppl this is place I come to vent so that I don't talk about my problems in real life, b/c i just don't do this, soooo if I'm venting and you don't have anything fucking nice to say. DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE A COMMENT!!!

vent mama!
thats what we are here for!
thats what we are here for!

So you are tattoo artist too?
Nice looking pics you got.
Nice looking pics you got.
so have you ever had all the ppl who love u not want you anymore...well that is my life story. I guess I really am a fuck up. Life sucks and then you die....miss slay used to say that in history class, and we all used to think it was funny, but now graduated and almosst 3 years later, and you know what? She was...
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If you allow life to suck it will,but if you allow life not to suck it won't.You are an smart girl and know what to do to make life a joy to live in.

whooo hoo I got the money for the rent!!!!! I am soooo excited!!!! i move as soon as I get the electricity and the water turned on, which i can't do until monday!!! I need to get the cable and internet cut on, but that will come after i get everything in order, and pay a 500 dollar phone bill b/c some bogus charges were...
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sooo My dad said he would send me some more money if i need it, I just hate that I might have to have him send it, but I am sooooo ready to get the fuck out of that house, the more I think about it, the more I realized , I've been thrown out of better relationships than this. I think I need to...
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Sometimes in life we are blinded, suffocated and we forget who we truly are. I hope everything continues in a positive way for you. There is nothing better than having reliable transportation. Have a good day and hopefully I will come get a tattoo as soon as I get a chance.

well right now i'm trying to find out if i need to renew my piercing licenses today or not or atleast by tomorrow, which they said I should recieve a letter, that i haven't recieved.....I hope to have the money I need by saturday to pay the rent!!!! I hope soooooo hard. I'm kinda bored right now, but I'm sorry this isn't a long blog,...
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Good luck renewing ya Lincen and getting the money.Peace
Blah!!!! I'm bored at work. I went to big lots to look at some glass bottles and stuff for my next set. I have such a good idea, and think it's going to kick ass. AHHHH my fucking left eye wont stop twitching!!! I must be aggrivate dabout something...well Duh! I got that frenum to do today, whoo hoo. I am actually really excited about...
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I got all my stuff from people Air Force moving and college kids move-they just throw stuff onto the street and I yank the stuff.Everythjing in my Apt. I had not to buy(just my computer)-I even find a 27 HD TV on the side of the road.Peace!
Your avatar gets my vote!!!
well i went to the beach today, with Kenya and her two kids(that's Scotty's chic and two kids) I had a really nice time. I'm really excited about having someone here I know!!! that just makes me smile. though madison is driving me crazy! I just don't know with that bad ass little girl, and she's only 2 years old. well sense sheldon and scotty...
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That tankgirl tat is probably the sexiest ink I've EVER seen! I just gotta send mad props to that! Peace!
WOW!I am so thrilled that you are feelinmg better and back at work.If I was there i would have you do my all my TATS.By the way,I do get depress once in awhile too.I just wake up every morning and tell myself love 'thy self and what little things that are good to me'-cory yes,but it works for me.Peace my little Sis