Well i broke my right thumb at gunnery. the nuckle adjacant to the nail is destroyed and surgery had to reconstruct it. there is no cartalige left. as well as the main bone being cracked in half. 180lbs hatch slammed on it, lucky i still have it on my hand. now i should be on med leave and my platoon sergeant said they want me...
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I'm sorry about all that, I wish I could relate. Sounds kinda like what happened to my dad's friend, he lost half of his thumb... but I dont know how.

I hope the pain goes away soon, or dies down a bit. kiss... hope that helps blush

feel better
Sweet god another Gunnery. Get to go make the big boom stick on my tank blow some wooden targets up for a week and qualify a second time. YEY, make big boom in a day. I love shooting the gun. then i get back and get smashed with my buddies who are going to iraq and then sulk in there leaving to iraq and then...
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yeah george w bush
rochestor? i'm about 6 hours away from there... yeah, nobody has ever heard of rhinebeck. it's one of those places tourists like to call "quaint".
Yey, the weekend, And i started it out early saturday with a 5k FUN run, it wasnt fun but i enjoyed it. now i get to go sleep and enjoy the rest of the weekend being poor and unable to go HOME. i miss home, i miss home alot.
Another day to write in my book. So far i have done nothing. I went to the ATM to pull some money out to drink tonight, and around $200 is missing. And I know my ass didnt spend no $200 in a day. Now i have $.44 to my name. 44 cents! i cant even buy a quarter of a beer on that. Hopefully since...
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Yet another day in the motorpool. What fun i got to clean weapons today! Yes i love cleaning rusted ass weapons that arnt even on my tank. I also found out the bank im with takes $20 out everyday for no reason. I think its cause i was in debt for like 20 days. This morning i called home and i hear my Aunt Lisa...
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wow the army is getting ubnoxious this week. wakeing up at 4am instead of 5am, being at work from 6am to usually 8pm at night. usually we get off around 5pm. our commander cant make up his mind so we are moving stuff back and forth constantly. the civilians we are working with are slow and dont care about our scheduales. grrrr. im soo exhausted....
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Ugggg 4am ewwww. puke
hahahaha, why ... did u think those pics were hawt? wink

I could tell you how I got to the tank, but then Id have to kill you. sorry babe.

ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH DESTRUCTION AND BLOWING SHIT UP ... IS HAWT. So yeah, Id totally take advantage of you and your access to military gear, lol!! smile

Im so jealous of you its not even funny. You and your goddamn tanks, lol. HEY!! have u ever been to www.ratemygasmask.com??? holy shiesse!!

Ok, well the other day i heard of my friends going to Iraq from a different Brigade. Being a soldier and war being what i do for a living...i have it in me to crave to go. and i thought of volunteering to go. today rumors began to spread, of commander Lt Colonel Prellor, is trying to get our unit to go because we are...
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i love my etnies, i havnt stopped wearing them since i got them mailed over. i lived in roach city until i was 8yrs old them moved to AZ; phoenix and its towns, then highschool in tucson. the DAY after september 11th my dad got a job on Long Island so we moved out there, where i lived until oh say about 4 months before...
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Talk away... you should just use this here journal to get it all out. And dont worry about feeling like the military is supressing you... it will change.. and your outlook on it will too. I know it sucks, but it is the military.. Did they make you guys change even off duty out of uniform?
god?? where?? haha thanks!
yet another day in the meat grinder. the armys getting me stressed. they turned me to the bottle. they forced me to drink 10 22ozs of Cass last night and throw my guts up this morning in the maintance bay bathroom. i need to a girlfriend...they keep me sane women do. right now i need a smoke though. fun fun in the cold damp rain....
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ETNIES are the shit. You are a doll.. so when did you live in the old Rachacha? ... and 10 deuces! holy damn... i would have thrown my guts up long b4 that i bet! puke biggrin
Eek, the military also make me cringe. I couldn't stand the authority. No wonder your drinking. Get yourself out of there! Save yourself! shocked
damn i need a new picture. im gonna have to bring my digital camera to the city with me. last night was fun, my buddy Brian and i went out with what i'm guessing is his new girl friend Li Su Yeong. Shes a highschooler here in korea. shes cool even though i had to try and understand all the bad english she said. i...
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May 4th is my moms birthday!