Yet another day has gone by with little change. My thumb is really starting to get messed up. The pin in the joint is starting to poke out of the skin, and i wont see my surgeon until Aug 4th. Rumors are still spreading strong about our unit goin to Iraq in the early months of 2005. Im not scared to go.. but i'm worried what might happen to me while im there. what if i die *knock on wood*, im single, no kids, and the first in my family to acctually suceed. its been about a year since ive gotten laid. i mean there is alot i have to do before i go over. i dont know whos gonna miss me when im gone either, i know my parents will but who else. my best friend thats in the army will be with me over there, which is great cause him and i will keep each other sane and alive. i couldnt bare to live if he died over there and i couldnt save him... its better to not think about it yet i guess.
who needs thumbs? i kidd ofcorse. i lost the use of my index and middle finger for a year due to shrapnel. i cant emagine having my thumb out of commision. i wold expect the military to take better care of their forces.
keep strong out there. while i cant understand fighting another mans battle, i respect your courage and dedication.
Korea, huh? you wouldn't know a Sgt. Dwight Cargile would you?
tell them you are queer