Well I am in TYLER Texas....never been to Texas in my life, and when i get here im in the smallest small town ever! I wanna shoot myself. Theres a mall, a Starbucks, a Barnes & Nobles, but...where the hell are all the people? Like theres old people everywhere.

When i got to Seattle from Japan on my flight back...i got off the plane and...
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Well if you have AIM my screen name is wldflowrheart. We should chat I can definately use more friends here! biggrin
You know it's ironic that the town is super small and empty and yet there is a Starbucks! Seriously I'm afraid they might be involved in a conspiracy to take over the world. Scariness!
This is a conversation me and my ex had this morning....im still not sure what to make of it. Anyone think they know what shes saying?

Me: i love you like i could never love anyone else, and i always will, you were the greatest friend ive ever known, and everyday i wish i could go back to the way it was before

Shannon: wow...
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Sounds like she might be moving on and she's telling you to do the same. The pain will go away more and more. I promise. smile
I hate tanks. The inspectors came like four times this week and everytime they found stuff they didnt find before. SO we have had numerous 16 hour days. Im exhausted, my morale is in the toliet, we lost our saturday again. A girl from the states I talk to and have a huge crush on now is gonna come visit me in Korea, she also...
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oh my goodness, its been so long! I was really starting to get worried about you. I'm assuming this isnt the girl from Salem?
How long have you been in Korea?
Yet another day has gone by with little change. My thumb is really starting to get messed up. The pin in the joint is starting to poke out of the skin, and i wont see my surgeon until Aug 4th. Rumors are still spreading strong about our unit goin to Iraq in the early months of 2005. Im not scared to go.. but i'm worried...
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nice ride (M1) i've known a few gunners and pilots.
who needs thumbs? i kidd ofcorse. i lost the use of my index and middle finger for a year due to shrapnel. i cant emagine having my thumb out of commision. i wold expect the military to take better care of their forces.

keep strong out there. while i cant understand fighting another mans battle, i respect your courage and dedication.

Korea, huh? you wouldn't know a Sgt. Dwight Cargile would you?
cant you just quit the army
tell them you are queer
Well last night was a complete alkohol fest. all 24 guys in my platoon, minus our lieutenant, platoon sergeant, and 3 other guys, went to korea's capital to popular bar& resturant and took it over. that bar is always packed out and loud and we amounted for 80% of the noise. once we started ordering pitchers of beer the yelling never quit. i drank 4...
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Sounds pretty interesting... whatever

I'm not sure I've seen many hookers... just one really old one in Peabody one time a few years ago. She was wearing grandma undergarments and a trench coat that was fully open so you could see everything. She had smeared make-up and a ciggarette hanging from her lips... puke
on occasion
well everything has started to get better over here in ol'Korealand. my roommate (1 of 2)is going home, i might be moving down the hall to my buddies room cause me and him get along MUCH better than the guy im with now, ive got my computer all i need is internet, my thumb is still broken to hell and my therapy isnt doing a...
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Dude ... u need serious pain meds for your finger. DEMAND IT! lol
what u wrote on my journal was ... beyond any kind of sweetness EVER. smile Thank you so much for that. smile I cant stop usuing the smileys, omg help!! smile smile smile smile smile

OOOOOOH, u HAD to go and talk abt shootin rifles. I bet thats a really awesome part of your job, stresss releif!!!
Sorry hun, my heart and soul are spoken for. miao!!
because of Germany's comment ive decided to make a short list of things im sworn to uphold:

shots of jager
naked chics
music(hardcore, punk, rock, alternative)
naked chics
tattooed naked chics
dunkin donuts
chics with hot lingrie and tattoos who intend on getting naked soon
LEGOS (legos are fun)
varities of fake foreign foods
and i cant leave out pierced up,...
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when are you supposed to be getting out of there? I hope it's soon, I definitely want to hang out sometime!... if you're coming back to Salem, that is.

p.s. your list is amazing love
yet again quinne stuns us all with an amazing set.

i spent all night talking to a girl i dream about back home. and of course i get 1 hour of sleep before the longest day of work in the week. plus i just got off my 2 week vacation. i dont wanna be working right now. but back on subject she makes me love...
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I guess we're in the same boat there, buddy surreal
i am very sad that you have to give all your free saturdays. i hope you're getting overtime pay..hehehehe..

thank you for doing something i could never do. please make it back home safe and quick so we can get back to the finer things in america that you work so hard to protect.. like rum and cokes and naked chicks
Well the stitches are out, t was a very unpleasant expierience. the doctor, an old korean guy, did a quick xray in front of me, slammed my hand onto the xray table, and all i felt and heard was metal hitting metal. my thumb is like more hardware than bone, im exaggerating. but anyways.

there are alot of overweight people in the military. they manage...
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absolutely! for example... I am over 14 and under 60.

Let me know when you're coming back, and I'll give you a heads up as to whats going on smile
Well they gave me my leave, after 7 of the approved days have passed, so im just gonna not show up again until they say to. Damned Army. Imiss home, my ex is tellin me how much sh e loves me and misses me. i miss her too, but i miss girls back home in general. every female in the army is taken enless they...
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I didnt know you could be overweight in the army! Dont they make u do a lot of strenuous excersise? lol

I also dont take the garbage out. Thats my other downfall. I will do that over the dishes, but well, u know. wink

Cleaning bathroom doesnt bother me as long as everyone uses the toilet profperly. smile
Well i broke my right thumb at gunnery. the nuckle adjacant to the nail is destroyed and surgery had to reconstruct it. there is no cartalige left. as well as the main bone being cracked in half. 180lbs hatch slammed on it, lucky i still have it on my hand. now i should be on med leave and my platoon sergeant said they want me...
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I'm sorry about all that, I wish I could relate. Sounds kinda like what happened to my dad's friend, he lost half of his thumb... but I dont know how.

I hope the pain goes away soon, or dies down a bit. kiss... hope that helps blush

feel better
Sweet god another Gunnery. Get to go make the big boom stick on my tank blow some wooden targets up for a week and qualify a second time. YEY, make big boom in a day. I love shooting the gun. then i get back and get smashed with my buddies who are going to iraq and then sulk in there leaving to iraq and then...
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yeah george w bush
rochestor? i'm about 6 hours away from there... yeah, nobody has ever heard of rhinebeck. it's one of those places tourists like to call "quaint".