UPDATE: Wishlist added. BUY ME THINGS!!!! Or just look at all the cool stuff I want.
Still not much up. Been feeling even lazier than normal recently... Dunno what's up with that. Still addicted to video game MIDIs, and I've got a new addiction: DeviantArt. Despite my anger at Ovida's temporary bannation, I've been drawn into the world of picture-type things. So much so that I've actually made a picture myself. Gosh.
I've (finally) got enough money for an extra battery for my camcorder, but I'm debating whether I should put off buying it until
1. I've got a script finished
2. I buy a decent tripod
3. I upgrade my comp to the point where using it to edit won't make it explode.
I'd really like to upgrade my comp, but that may be because I'd like to run Morrowind without slowdown. I'm thinking of using the money to get a Radeon 9600 SE, followed by a RAM upgrade and a new processor. I may have to get a new motherboard as well... I hope not.
That'd be scary.
I need to see the new release of Donnie Darko, but I hate movie theaters (or theatres, for you non-Americans). Especially Regal, which is the closest theater (theatre) to my house.
I also need to put my wishlist up one of these days... But I'm lazy. The two latest entries to said wishlist: a Radeon 9600 SE and the 140 buck (probably 140 pounds, too...) hard drive.
Still not much up. Been feeling even lazier than normal recently... Dunno what's up with that. Still addicted to video game MIDIs, and I've got a new addiction: DeviantArt. Despite my anger at Ovida's temporary bannation, I've been drawn into the world of picture-type things. So much so that I've actually made a picture myself. Gosh.
I've (finally) got enough money for an extra battery for my camcorder, but I'm debating whether I should put off buying it until
1. I've got a script finished
2. I buy a decent tripod
3. I upgrade my comp to the point where using it to edit won't make it explode.
I'd really like to upgrade my comp, but that may be because I'd like to run Morrowind without slowdown. I'm thinking of using the money to get a Radeon 9600 SE, followed by a RAM upgrade and a new processor. I may have to get a new motherboard as well... I hope not.

That'd be scary.

I need to see the new release of Donnie Darko, but I hate movie theaters (or theatres, for you non-Americans). Especially Regal, which is the closest theater (theatre) to my house.
I also need to put my wishlist up one of these days... But I'm lazy. The two latest entries to said wishlist: a Radeon 9600 SE and the 140 buck (probably 140 pounds, too...) hard drive.

ahbwabwa youre a cutie

ah hahahahahahaha