I just found out that my favorite drink in the world (Strawberry and Lime Jones Soda) has caffeine. I drank four bottles today, three between 8 PM and 4 AM. I guess that explains me being up.
The copy of the first HP Lovecraft collection that my grandpa ordered for me came yesterday. I wonder about that guy... I mean, he was a total asshole, but damn could he write! There seem to be a lot of good writers among the deuchebags of society (Dave Sim, anyone?). Maybe I need to be more of a dick. Any suggestions on a race/ideology/gender/sexual orientation/whatever that I should start despising for no logical reason? It seems to work for everyone else...
Okay, this is what I've found so far that's nearby and looks interesting:
August 21st, 2004: Galaxa-con, Kent, Ohio (http://www.galaxa-con.com/)
August 27-29th, 2004: Canadian National Expo, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (http://www.hobbystar.com/ComicConToronto/CC_Main.asp)
August 28-October 24th, 2004: Ohio Rennaissance Festival, Harveysburg, Ohio (http://www.renfestival.com/)
September 19th, 2004: Talk Like A Pirate Day
November 6th, 2004: AC3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (http://www.ac-cubed.ca/)
November 19-21, 2004: SugoiCon, Cincinatti (http://www.sugoicon.org/location.php)
November 27-28th, 2004: Mid-Ohio Comic Con, Columbus (http://www.midohiocon.com/)
January 14-16th, 2005: Ohayocon, Columbus (http://www.ohayocon.com/)
Out of those, I'm sure I'll go to the Ren Fair, and I'm pretty sure I'll hit SugoiCon. I'm not sure I'll be able to get to the Canadian National Expo (which looks awesome) since it's pretty soon and the furthest away (other than AC3, which I'm not all that interested in), but I'm gonna try. Anyway, off to find more! Be sure to tell me if you know of any geek events in the general area of Ohio (that's Indiana, Michigan, SOUTHERN Ontario, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, for those of you whose knowledge of extremely basic geography is as bad as mine)!

The copy of the first HP Lovecraft collection that my grandpa ordered for me came yesterday. I wonder about that guy... I mean, he was a total asshole, but damn could he write! There seem to be a lot of good writers among the deuchebags of society (Dave Sim, anyone?). Maybe I need to be more of a dick. Any suggestions on a race/ideology/gender/sexual orientation/whatever that I should start despising for no logical reason? It seems to work for everyone else...

Okay, this is what I've found so far that's nearby and looks interesting:
August 21st, 2004: Galaxa-con, Kent, Ohio (http://www.galaxa-con.com/)
August 27-29th, 2004: Canadian National Expo, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (http://www.hobbystar.com/ComicConToronto/CC_Main.asp)
August 28-October 24th, 2004: Ohio Rennaissance Festival, Harveysburg, Ohio (http://www.renfestival.com/)
September 19th, 2004: Talk Like A Pirate Day
November 6th, 2004: AC3, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (http://www.ac-cubed.ca/)
November 19-21, 2004: SugoiCon, Cincinatti (http://www.sugoicon.org/location.php)
November 27-28th, 2004: Mid-Ohio Comic Con, Columbus (http://www.midohiocon.com/)
January 14-16th, 2005: Ohayocon, Columbus (http://www.ohayocon.com/)
Out of those, I'm sure I'll go to the Ren Fair, and I'm pretty sure I'll hit SugoiCon. I'm not sure I'll be able to get to the Canadian National Expo (which looks awesome) since it's pretty soon and the furthest away (other than AC3, which I'm not all that interested in), but I'm gonna try. Anyway, off to find more! Be sure to tell me if you know of any geek events in the general area of Ohio (that's Indiana, Michigan, SOUTHERN Ontario, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, for those of you whose knowledge of extremely basic geography is as bad as mine)!
dude, fufu berry jones soda rules me
There's a "Talk like a Pirate Day"? There is a god...