I heart KOTOR.
On a less-geeky note (
), I need to get off my ass and either
1. Finish one of my many projects,
2. Track down an awesome girl and do terribly naughty things with her (and play video games or watch cool movies afterwards).
Both would be good too.
What I need is a girlfriend who can get me focused on what I want to be focused on. *nods*
Or I could just get a palm pilot.
Random question-type thingy:
Okay, gimme a second. Thinking's hard for the inexperienced...
Okay, got it. What's the biggest qualifier for you when deciding whether someone's worth dating or not, outside of basic stuff like personality and looks (you shallow bastards, you
I won't date anyone who doesn't like video games or the movies I like. That eliminates a good 80% of the female population (and a good 2% of the male population... The other 98%'s eliminated by the "no butt-secks" factor).
On a less-geeky note (

1. Finish one of my many projects,
2. Track down an awesome girl and do terribly naughty things with her (and play video games or watch cool movies afterwards).
Both would be good too.
What I need is a girlfriend who can get me focused on what I want to be focused on. *nods*
Or I could just get a palm pilot.

Random question-type thingy:
Okay, gimme a second. Thinking's hard for the inexperienced...
Okay, got it. What's the biggest qualifier for you when deciding whether someone's worth dating or not, outside of basic stuff like personality and looks (you shallow bastards, you

I won't date anyone who doesn't like video games or the movies I like. That eliminates a good 80% of the female population (and a good 2% of the male population... The other 98%'s eliminated by the "no butt-secks" factor).
Oh dont feel so bad, its not the size its how you use it..but it his case...yea..I wont say anything..and im sure your cock is fine
well thats good that you are happy with him, thats all that matters.