Wow, uh, sorry about being gone for so long. BUT to make it up to you all, I FINALLY got the mini-journal entries I wrote for you guys while in Europe off of my Palm! So, you get to see what I was up to a month ago! Yeah, I'm slow.
I hope this works... Learning to use the special "Graffiti" way of writing's a real pain in the ass, though. For now, I'm just using the "keyboard". Of course, I'm hoping to get a better palm thing than this eventually, but I still need to learn to write. In fact, I'm going to start using Graffiti...
Well then, (dammit, th.S...
Fuck that. I was never much for handwriting anyway. It just occured to me, I should find out if there's an "undo" thingy for this thing.
Okay, there's a way to do it. I can use the lower-left button by the writing box to access extra options. Keen! Or something.
Bla bla bla I are bored. I miss SG and my laptop and my camcorder and DDR. I may be able to get this one organization to pay for a new laptop, that'd be REALLY nice. It's raining...
\ 0_0 /
I wish I could think of something to write about.. But if I did, would I even be able to keep up with my thoughts? Oh, I just remembered: I had an idea for a character for a Flash animation. He skateboards, and has a katana.
Hey, I didn't say it was a GOOD idea. XP
Anyway, the UK's been pretty fun so far. We (Nick, my folks, and me) have been to a bunch of places: London (awesome but intimidating), Wales (really beautiful, cool language, nice people), Oxford (big, smelly, dull), and... (Drum roll please)... Stratford-upon-Avon!
Stratford kicks ass. It's got crazy punks, used book/video stores, and a really kickass movie theater (me and Nick went and saw a fucking brilliant Hong Kong movie, "Infernal Affairs", I think. I highly recommend it). Stratford kinda reminds me of YS, too, since it's filled with annoying tourists (I'm not a tourist, dammit! I'm a visitor! Or something). I've also read a whole assload of books:
Frankenstein (fucking great)
Ender's Game (really cool)
Speaker for the Dead (boring)
Ender's Shadow (really cool)
Shadow of the Hegemon (cool)
The Brand New Monty Python Bok (hell yeah)
Usagi Yojimbo books 6 and 13 (fucking incredible)
And prolly some others I can't remember. Now then, I think I'm gonna go read the Reservoir Dogs scriptbook I got for 3 quid.
We arrived in Aix-en-Provence. I'm very tired. MisterJesus didn't call back, for reasons unknown, and that sucks. If Mnislahi does the same, the trip'll have been a waste! XD
When I get back (*sigh*) I should go down to Dino's and work on my laptop there, so I can be around people. Do they have a wi-fi setup there?
I miss my compy. ;_;
It's sad, but I do. I miss Flash animations, and Diablo ll, and most of all SG and my SG buddies. I'm prolly gonna post this mini-journal when I get back.
I miss Homestar, and
8-bit Theater, and Spelling the Vacuum, and Kid Radd...
I miss a lot. Mostly stuff online. I also miss my real life buddies, of course. And my movies. And pants. I should post all the crap I've put on here when I get back, actually.
Would I even be in Europe if I hadn't wanted to see my European friends? Probably.
God, it's so frustrating hearing Japanese tourists talking, and not being able to stop and listen in 'cause I'm with my folks. Of course, I don't know that they wouldn't stop...
Traveling with them is just so stressful.
I've realized that the only way to enjoy someplace new is by taking people you enjoy with you. It helps that Nick's here, but my parents are awful to travel with. I'm so goddamn bored, and I don't want to leave the apartment because I don't speak French. I wish there was someone here with the kind of personality that gets you all motivated and ready to go out and partake in wacky misadventures. As it is, I just wanna see Mnislahi then go home. I wish I knew some other people, too. I feel silly coming all the way out here, across a goddamn ocean, just to see a few people (one of which I didn't even get to see ;_; ). Not like I'm not justified by the awesomeness of said people.
05/31/04 part 2
I wonder what it is I'm missing, that makes other people spend so much energy and money on travel? I mean, I'd spend the energy and money to see a friend, or to get something important to me done, but...
The problem with deciding to show your friends your journal is that it makes you kinda self-conscious.
See what I mean? XD
I miss my SG journal. Actually, since I'm planning on posting this there anyway, why not treat this like it? Well, maybe I will. Or I might not.
I'm sleepy. I wonder what it's like to be able to just lie down and fall asleep immediately? Did I already write that? I get depressed a lot easier when I'm tired, too. Sometimes, though, being tired'll make me just the opposite. I guess it's like drinking in that respect. Which makes sense, I guess, since they both kill brain cells. I should find out about the effects of not sleeping as compared to those of drug and alcohol use. It may be that it doesn't matter that I don't drink or do drugs, if sleeping damages my brain in the same way. And with that thought, I'm going to bed. Here's hoping for a cool dream involving hot girls and ninja exploits (it's great how many dreams like that I have).
Well, I don't remember whether it involved hot girls, but I did have all sorts of ninja-esque adventures last night. XD
I feel like writing something, but I can't think of anything. I should have e-mailed myself my various scripts, so I could work on them in internet cafes or something. I wonder if there are script-writing programs for Palms?
The weather's really nice here. Me and Nick should go out and wander around later. I just realized, we don't yet have a picture of both of us together. We should get that fixed.
*sniff sniff*
I need a shower.
Nick: I think that the best feeling a person can have is-
Me: Orgasm.
Nick: -helping people.
Yeah, that's a pretty good example of the fundamental differences between me and Nick.
5 more days. Can't wait... It gets dull quick if you don't speak the language. Which sucks, 'cause Aix is a really cool place. I found out why MisterJesus didn't call back. I can't really blame him.
I have no fucking willpower. I can't seem to motivate myself to do the simplest things. I need someone to follow me around and get me to do stuff.
I'm so fucking bored! I remember now why I hate long vacations. I get ideas and I can't implement them, and I don't have access to all my stuff, which for an ADDer such as myself can be very frustrating. I rely on my obscene amount of distractions to keep me occupied, since I get bored so easily. Plus, I just prefer computers to leaving the house. I'm just a geek, I guess.
I just noticed that this Palm is a lot newer than I thought. It actually has a symbol! XD
Mnislahi still hasn't called.
Well great. The main reason I came was to see my European SG buddies, but I didn't get to see anyone. ;_;
I can't leep, I'm too excited about finally heading home (we leave tomorrow). Europe was really cool and all, but I just don't like to travel unless it's to see someone.
Whoa, is the bed in the room over ever squeeking!! 0_0;; XD
*sigh* I miss my buddies ever so much! ;_;
I also miss porn. XD
Maybe I should've brought my laptop...

I hope this works... Learning to use the special "Graffiti" way of writing's a real pain in the ass, though. For now, I'm just using the "keyboard". Of course, I'm hoping to get a better palm thing than this eventually, but I still need to learn to write. In fact, I'm going to start using Graffiti...
Well then, (dammit, th.S...
Fuck that. I was never much for handwriting anyway. It just occured to me, I should find out if there's an "undo" thingy for this thing.
Okay, there's a way to do it. I can use the lower-left button by the writing box to access extra options. Keen! Or something.
Bla bla bla I are bored. I miss SG and my laptop and my camcorder and DDR. I may be able to get this one organization to pay for a new laptop, that'd be REALLY nice. It's raining...
\ 0_0 /
I wish I could think of something to write about.. But if I did, would I even be able to keep up with my thoughts? Oh, I just remembered: I had an idea for a character for a Flash animation. He skateboards, and has a katana.
Hey, I didn't say it was a GOOD idea. XP
Anyway, the UK's been pretty fun so far. We (Nick, my folks, and me) have been to a bunch of places: London (awesome but intimidating), Wales (really beautiful, cool language, nice people), Oxford (big, smelly, dull), and... (Drum roll please)... Stratford-upon-Avon!
Stratford kicks ass. It's got crazy punks, used book/video stores, and a really kickass movie theater (me and Nick went and saw a fucking brilliant Hong Kong movie, "Infernal Affairs", I think. I highly recommend it). Stratford kinda reminds me of YS, too, since it's filled with annoying tourists (I'm not a tourist, dammit! I'm a visitor! Or something). I've also read a whole assload of books:
Frankenstein (fucking great)
Ender's Game (really cool)
Speaker for the Dead (boring)
Ender's Shadow (really cool)
Shadow of the Hegemon (cool)
The Brand New Monty Python Bok (hell yeah)
Usagi Yojimbo books 6 and 13 (fucking incredible)
And prolly some others I can't remember. Now then, I think I'm gonna go read the Reservoir Dogs scriptbook I got for 3 quid.
We arrived in Aix-en-Provence. I'm very tired. MisterJesus didn't call back, for reasons unknown, and that sucks. If Mnislahi does the same, the trip'll have been a waste! XD
When I get back (*sigh*) I should go down to Dino's and work on my laptop there, so I can be around people. Do they have a wi-fi setup there?
I miss my compy. ;_;
It's sad, but I do. I miss Flash animations, and Diablo ll, and most of all SG and my SG buddies. I'm prolly gonna post this mini-journal when I get back.
I miss Homestar, and
8-bit Theater, and Spelling the Vacuum, and Kid Radd...
I miss a lot. Mostly stuff online. I also miss my real life buddies, of course. And my movies. And pants. I should post all the crap I've put on here when I get back, actually.
Would I even be in Europe if I hadn't wanted to see my European friends? Probably.
God, it's so frustrating hearing Japanese tourists talking, and not being able to stop and listen in 'cause I'm with my folks. Of course, I don't know that they wouldn't stop...
Traveling with them is just so stressful.
I've realized that the only way to enjoy someplace new is by taking people you enjoy with you. It helps that Nick's here, but my parents are awful to travel with. I'm so goddamn bored, and I don't want to leave the apartment because I don't speak French. I wish there was someone here with the kind of personality that gets you all motivated and ready to go out and partake in wacky misadventures. As it is, I just wanna see Mnislahi then go home. I wish I knew some other people, too. I feel silly coming all the way out here, across a goddamn ocean, just to see a few people (one of which I didn't even get to see ;_; ). Not like I'm not justified by the awesomeness of said people.
05/31/04 part 2
I wonder what it is I'm missing, that makes other people spend so much energy and money on travel? I mean, I'd spend the energy and money to see a friend, or to get something important to me done, but...
The problem with deciding to show your friends your journal is that it makes you kinda self-conscious.
See what I mean? XD
I miss my SG journal. Actually, since I'm planning on posting this there anyway, why not treat this like it? Well, maybe I will. Or I might not.
I'm sleepy. I wonder what it's like to be able to just lie down and fall asleep immediately? Did I already write that? I get depressed a lot easier when I'm tired, too. Sometimes, though, being tired'll make me just the opposite. I guess it's like drinking in that respect. Which makes sense, I guess, since they both kill brain cells. I should find out about the effects of not sleeping as compared to those of drug and alcohol use. It may be that it doesn't matter that I don't drink or do drugs, if sleeping damages my brain in the same way. And with that thought, I'm going to bed. Here's hoping for a cool dream involving hot girls and ninja exploits (it's great how many dreams like that I have).
Well, I don't remember whether it involved hot girls, but I did have all sorts of ninja-esque adventures last night. XD
I feel like writing something, but I can't think of anything. I should have e-mailed myself my various scripts, so I could work on them in internet cafes or something. I wonder if there are script-writing programs for Palms?
The weather's really nice here. Me and Nick should go out and wander around later. I just realized, we don't yet have a picture of both of us together. We should get that fixed.
*sniff sniff*
I need a shower.
Nick: I think that the best feeling a person can have is-
Me: Orgasm.
Nick: -helping people.
Yeah, that's a pretty good example of the fundamental differences between me and Nick.
5 more days. Can't wait... It gets dull quick if you don't speak the language. Which sucks, 'cause Aix is a really cool place. I found out why MisterJesus didn't call back. I can't really blame him.
I have no fucking willpower. I can't seem to motivate myself to do the simplest things. I need someone to follow me around and get me to do stuff.
I'm so fucking bored! I remember now why I hate long vacations. I get ideas and I can't implement them, and I don't have access to all my stuff, which for an ADDer such as myself can be very frustrating. I rely on my obscene amount of distractions to keep me occupied, since I get bored so easily. Plus, I just prefer computers to leaving the house. I'm just a geek, I guess.
I just noticed that this Palm is a lot newer than I thought. It actually has a symbol! XD
Mnislahi still hasn't called.

Well great. The main reason I came was to see my European SG buddies, but I didn't get to see anyone. ;_;
I can't leep, I'm too excited about finally heading home (we leave tomorrow). Europe was really cool and all, but I just don't like to travel unless it's to see someone.
Whoa, is the bed in the room over ever squeeking!! 0_0;; XD
*sigh* I miss my buddies ever so much! ;_;
I also miss porn. XD
Maybe I should've brought my laptop...
you'd be surprised...
