That was awesome! I hung out with cool people like doctashock, gemini, Warchild, and mistressmissy, and it was awesome. Fleur, RedViolet, and Kira were there (although we only saw RedViolet for a few seconds), and I got to meet the infamous Stirfry, who's a really fuckin' cool guy. We took tons of pictures, and we PWNED the bumper cars (there were like four non-SG people in the whole ring... It was crazy), and I got to see Kira's fucking awesome Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo in person. It was keen.
TEH UPDATE OF DOOM: I updated my profile. It's hilari-awesome. And if anyone can get the Monty Python reference, they're really awesome.
TEH UPDATE OF CURSE RICHARDS!!!: Holy baloney, I say awesome too much. And did I just say holy baloney?
TEH UPDATE OF I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE ON HIM AND HIS ACCURSED FANTASTIC FOUR!: I have been informed that the word awesome is awesome and so I should say it a lot. So please disregard the last update.
TEH UPDATE OF DOOM: I updated my profile. It's hilari-awesome. And if anyone can get the Monty Python reference, they're really awesome.
TEH UPDATE OF CURSE RICHARDS!!!: Holy baloney, I say awesome too much. And did I just say holy baloney?

TEH UPDATE OF I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE ON HIM AND HIS ACCURSED FANTASTIC FOUR!: I have been informed that the word awesome is awesome and so I should say it a lot. So please disregard the last update.
But did you have a blue shirt on?