Oh yay, I get to leave really early tommorow morning and be really tired with the sleep and the tired... Unless I can convince my friend Rob to stay at teh PINKZ0R HOUSE!!!1genericnumber, but I don't think he'll be up for that. 'Cause he's a pussy. PUSSY! Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to YOU, pussy.
And of course I don't know if it's too late and Stirfry's not letting anybody decide they're coming this late. That would suck.
Right, so yeah, I'm really hyped for the Cedar Point thingy. I'll get to hang out with the babetacularly awesome babygirl, and you won't, so I rock, and you rock less. But I also have to get up way too early. Unless Rob and Stirfry decide to be really awesome. And then there's my parents who'd be all "YOU CAN'T STAY AT A STRANGERS HOUSE!" and I'd be all "SHUDDUP AND FIX ME A SAMMICH!" and they'd be all "WHAP!" and I'd be all "HEY THAT'S MY HEAD!"
It's funny 'cause it's true.
I want a t-shirt that says "n00b", that would be cool.

And of course I don't know if it's too late and Stirfry's not letting anybody decide they're coming this late. That would suck.
Right, so yeah, I'm really hyped for the Cedar Point thingy. I'll get to hang out with the babetacularly awesome babygirl, and you won't, so I rock, and you rock less. But I also have to get up way too early. Unless Rob and Stirfry decide to be really awesome. And then there's my parents who'd be all "YOU CAN'T STAY AT A STRANGERS HOUSE!" and I'd be all "SHUDDUP AND FIX ME A SAMMICH!" and they'd be all "WHAP!" and I'd be all "HEY THAT'S MY HEAD!"
It's funny 'cause it's true.
I want a t-shirt that says "n00b", that would be cool.

Even though I've never talked to you before, it'll be great to meet you and everyone else this weekend!!!! See you there!!!