DAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT!!!!! Kate's new set went up while I've been gone.
Anyway, I'm typing this from an internet cafe in Aix-en-Provence (or however you spell it). It's taking forever, 'cause the keyboard's set up all funky. So I'll be brief-ish. MisterJesus and me were gonna hang out, but, well, just read his journal...
Um. I've been writing a little mini-journal for you guys on my palm thingy, and yeah, it's thingy-y alright.
I'd leave comments in all our journals and stuff, but this keyboard is driving me insane, so I won't. Miss you guys.

Anyway, I'm typing this from an internet cafe in Aix-en-Provence (or however you spell it). It's taking forever, 'cause the keyboard's set up all funky. So I'll be brief-ish. MisterJesus and me were gonna hang out, but, well, just read his journal...
Um. I've been writing a little mini-journal for you guys on my palm thingy, and yeah, it's thingy-y alright.
I'd leave comments in all our journals and stuff, but this keyboard is driving me insane, so I won't. Miss you guys.

miss you too! hehe
Thanks, I've missed you too. Hope you're having a great time!